Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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Great British Racing

The history of horses known in England begins with the remains of horses found in Pakefield, Suffolk, dating from 700,000 BC, and in Boxgrove, West Sussex, dating from 500,000 BC. Early humans were active hunters, and discovered from the Ice Age have recovered from many sites. At that time, the land that now forms the British Isles is part of a peninsula attached to the European continent by a lowland region now known as "Doggerland", and land animals can migrate freely between what is now the island of England and the continent of Europe. The horse's permission, and its use to attract vehicles, had begun in England in 2500 BC; at the time of the Roman conquest of England, the English tribesmen could muster an army that included thousands of chariots.

Enhanced horses as a destination, and horse farms as an enterprise, dates to medieval times; King John imported a hundred Flemish horses, Edward III imported fifty Spanish horses, and various priests and priests owned by male ranches. The law passed restrict and prohibit the export of horses and for the destruction of horses is considered undesirable in kind. In the 17th century, certain horse breeds were recorded for a particular purpose, and a new horse farm machine was being designed. The fast trainer pulled by the horse team with Thoroughbred blood could take advantage of a better road, and the innkeeper trained to have hundreds of horses to support the trade. Steam took over the role of horses on farming from the mid-19th century, but horses have continued to be used in battle for nearly 100 years, because their speed and agility over rough terrain remains unequaled. Working horses had disappeared from England in the 1980s, and today horses in England are kept almost entirely for recreational purposes.

Video History of the horse in Britain

zaman Pleistosen

The earliest horse capture is found in the area that is now covered by the present British and Irish up to the Middle Pleistocene. Two species of horses have been identified from the remains in Pakefield, East Anglia, dating back to 700,000 BC. Damage to the spear on the horse's shoulder bone found at Eartham Pit, Boxgrove, dated 500,000 BC, indicates that early hominids were hunting horses in the area at that time. The land now comprising the British Isles regularly merged into the continent of Europe by land bridges, extending from around the current coast of North Yorkshire to the English Channel, the latter up to about 9,000 years ago. Depending on the rising and falling sea levels associated with the advance and retreat of the Ice Age, this allows humans and fauna to migrate between these areas; because the climate fluctuates, hunters can follow their prey, including equids.

Although much of Britain today is now under the sea, it has nevertheless been found on land which shows the horses present, and hunted, in this period. Significant findings include horse teeth originating from between 55,000 and 47,000 BC and horse bones dating from between 50,000 and 45,000 BC, recovered from the Pin Hole Cave, at the Creswell Crags ruins of the North Midlands; remnants of horses further from the same era have been restored from Kent's Cavern. In Robin Hood Cave, also in Creswell Crags, horse teeth are found between the ages of 32,000 and 24,000 BC; The cave also stores one of the earliest examples of prehistoric artwork in England - horse carvings, on a piece of horse bone. The statue of a goddess carved from a horse's bone and dating from around 23,000 BC has been found from the Paviland Cave in South Wales.

Horses still dating to the later part of this period - roughly coinciding with the end of the last glacial period - have been discovered at Farndon Fields, Nottinghamshire, dating from around 12,000 BC. Mother Grundy's Parlor, also in Creswell Crags, contains the remains of horses showing scars indicating that horse hunting took place there around 10,000 BC. A study of the Victorian Cave in North Yorkshire produces a horse bone that shows scars that originated at about the same time.

Maps History of the horse in Britain

Holocene period

The Holocene period began about 11,700 years ago and continues to this day. Identified by the current warm period, known as "Marine Isotope Stage 1", or MIS 1, the Holocene is considered an interglacial period in the current Ice Age. Horses still belong to the Mesolithic period, or Middle Stone Age, early Holocene, have been found in England, although many Mesolithic Britain are now located under the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the English Channel, and possible material including archeological evidence of the existence of horses in England continuously washed to the sea, by rivers and coastal erosion.

During Devensian glaciation, the northernmost part of the peninsula where England is formed is covered in glacial ice, and the sea surface is approximately 120 meters (390 feet) lower than it is today. This glacial ice advanced and retreated several times during this period, and much of what is now the North Sea and the English Channel is a stretch of lowland tundra, which, about 12,000 BC, extends northward to a point roughly parallel to Aberdeenshire, in eastern Scotland. In 1998, archaeologist BJ Coles named this lowland "Doggerland" area, where the Thames flowed somewhat north of the current route, joining the Rhine to flow west to the Atlantic Ocean along the lines of what is now English Channels. Human hunters explore this land, which, about 8000 BC, has a varied coastline of lagoons, salt marshes, mud plains, beaches, inland rivers, rivers, swamps, and lakes including lakes. It is probably the hunt, seclusion, and richest fishing spot available to the Mesolithic Europeans.

Horses still dating from 10,500-8,000 BC have been found from the Caves of Sewell, Flixton, Seamer Carr, Uxbridge and Thatcham. Stay dating from about 7,000 BC has been found in the Gough Caves in Cheddar.

Although there is no residual horses between 7000 BC and 3500 BC, there is evidence that wild horses remain in England after becoming an island separated from Europe around 5,500 BC. Pre-domestication of wild horse bones has been found in the Severn-Cotswold Neolithic tomb, dating from about 3500 BC.

History of the horse in Britain - YouTube

Domestication in pre-Roman times

Domesticated Horses are present in the British Bronze Age from about 2000 BC. Bronze Age bronze Zakas including snaffle bits have been found that are used in harnessing horses for vehicles; The Bronze Age wagon wheels have been found in Flag Fen and Blair Drummond, the latter dating from around 1255-815 BC, though this may belong to a vehicle drawn by an ox. Early Bronze Age proofs for horses ridden are lacking, though unattended may involve unsaved or undiscovered material; but the horse ruled the battle in England in the late Bronze Age. His dorm horse was in Dartmoor around 1500 BC.

Excavations of the Iron Age site have restored horse bones from a ritual hole at a temple site near Cambridge, and about twenty Iron Age train burials have been found, including one of the women found in Wetwang Slack. The majority of Iron Age's burial cemeteries in Britain are associated with Arras culture, and in many cases trains are buried before being buried. The exceptions are the Ferrybridge and Newbridge trains, which are the only ones found to have been buried intact. The Newbridge cemetery has radiocarbon dates for 520-370 BC, and the Ferrybridge cemetery tends to be the same date.

Towards the end of the Iron Age, there is ample evidence for the use of horses in transport and combat, and for extensive trade between the British population and other cultures. The collection of Iron Age artifacts from Polden Hill in Somerset includes a huge hoarding of horse teeth, and a rare copper alloy cheekpiece dating from the pre-Roman Iron Age lately found in St. Ewe, Cornwall. The horse is an important figure in the Bronze Age and Iron Age of Celtic religion and myth, and is symbolized on the figure of the White Horse hill of Uffington, near the Iron Age century fortress of Uffington Castle in Oxfordshire.

Carried into Battle - The history of horses and war | Pets4Homes

The Roman Empire to the Norman Conquest

At the time of the invasion of Julius Caesar to England in 55 BC, the population of England including the horseman is adept. The Caesarean army was filled with British horsemen and chariots, a horse-drawn carriage on a galloping horse that accompanied him. Caesar then faced an organized resistance led by Cassivellaunus, with over 4,000 chariots. To the east of the Pennines, the Romans also met with Gabrantovici, or "horse-riding". The spread and development of the horse traps recovered from this period, such as bits, roped and terial junctions, have been used to show the withdrawal of British ruling groups during the Roman conquest of England.

A large amount of horse dung has been found in a well at the Roman fort at Lancaster, Lancashire, which is the base for cavalry units in the 1st and 2nd centuries. The bones of 28 horses have been found in a Roman well in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, the Roman post on Watling Street, where the horses will be kept. These horses have been slaughtered for horse meat; but the awakening of the cult of the Celts goddess Epona, horse-protectors, donkeys and donkeys, could explain the carcass of a horse buried intact at Dunstable, with "special attention." Buried with humans in the fifth century cemetery, these horses represent the belief that Epona protects the dead.

One of the earliest records of the English horses was recognized for its quality and date of export from the Roman era; many British horses were brought to Italy to raise the original stock. Some of the earliest evidence for horses used for sport in England is also from the Roman era, a horse-drawn carriage found in Colchester, in Essex.

From the 5th century, the role of horses in Anglo-Saxon culture is partially illustrated by the number of words for "horse" in Old English. It distinguishes between horse carts (two words), pack of horses (two words), horseback riding (three words), horses for breeding (three words, male and female), horses suitable for royalty and aristocracy (five words, three of which are mainly used in poetry), and war horses (one word). There is no word for "plowhorse", and there is no evidence that horses were used for plowing in the Anglo-Saxon era, while this was still done by the bulls; but the Domesday Book records a horse used to persecute, in 1086. Horses were used primarily to transport goods and people; many names of English places, such as Stadhampton, Stoodleigh and Studham, refer to the storage of "buttons", in this case "herds", horses; and Anglo-Saxon stirrups and spurs have been discovered by archaeologists. Horses also race for sports, and the "race-course" in Kent is mentioned in King Eadred's charter, dated 949.

There is some evidence that horses are sometimes eaten, perhaps in harsh winters, or ridden until the age of five and then slaughtered for meat; but there are many references in medieval sources which show that Anglo-Saxon places a high value on horses. They are often included in the price paid for the land and inheritance and other gifts, and the servants of the king include horses, or marshals. Many horses and horse breeding sites are recorded in the Domesday Book, although more horses may be eliminated, given the need for horses to ascend and pull carts. Only 71 blacksmiths are recorded in the Domesday Book, but others "must be hidden under the heading of other classes". Six blacksmiths in Hereford are required to provide 120 horses each year for the maintenance of soldiers' horses.

Horses have a religious meaning in Anglo-Saxon paganism. The 8th century historian Bede, from Jarrow, in Northumbria, wrote that the first Anglo-Saxon chief, in the fifth century, was the English words "horse" and Horsa - English for "horses" and "horses ". Modern scholars regard Hengist and Horsa as the horse gods glorified by Anglo-Saxon worshipers, destined to be the ancestors of Anglo-Saxon nobility, and derived from the divine twins of the Proto-Indo-European religion, with relatives in various Indo-European cultures others.

Horses often appear in stories of miraculous events in the context of Anglo-Saxon Christianity. In the 7th century, a horse was reported to have revealed warm bread and some meat when St. Cuthbert was hungry, by pulling straw from the roof of the hut; and, when Cuthbert suffered knee pain, he was visited by an angel riding, who helped him to heal his knee. In the 8th century, the Anglo-Saxon Bishop Willibald of EichstÃÆ'¤tt wrote that, when a source of clean water was needed for a monastery on the site where St. Boniface had died, in the Frisian kingdom, the land under the horse's hind legs, and, when the horse drawn freely, the fountain springs out of the ground and forms a small creek. In the 10th century, King Edmund I was reported to have been saved from the dead while chasing a deer on a horse when he prayed for forgiveness over St. John. Dunstan, and afterwards made him the abbot of Glastonbury: the horse stopped at the edge of the cliff, where the deer and hunting dogs had fallen. On another occasion, a horse fell dead under Dunstan when he heard a voice from heaven telling him that King Eadred had died.

Although there are references to Viking riders at the 10th century Sulcoit Battle, in Ireland, their primary use for horses in England - some of which were captured or confiscated, and some of which were brought with them - were to facilitate fast travel. This is the main purpose used in the Anglo-Saxon British horses, especially in warfare, because the conflicts between the various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms are done in great distances. In the 7th century, the Penda King from Mercia, in central England, took his army northward to Bamburgh, nearly 50 miles (80 km) north of Hadrian's Wall; and Oswald of Northumbria died against the Mercia people in Shropshire. These soldiers may be riding horses for battle, and the maintenance of horses is needed by many, or perhaps all, who hold the land under the Anglo-Saxon kings. In the 7th century, an Anglo-Saxon soldier was buried with his horse at Sutton Hoo; engraving on an Anglo-Saxon rock cross featuring horsemen; and 62 "wars" are recorded in the Domesday Book. In the 11th century, Anglo-Saxon riding warriors succeeded against the Viking, Welsh and Scottish troops, the latter including Norman's allies.

Duke William of Normandy sent a horse across the English Channel when he invaded England in 1066, and the result of the Battle of Hastings has been described as "the inevitable victory of a forced cavalry over a helpless infantry". The battle of Hastings took place at King Harold of the British earldom, at its own center and connections; but it came less than three weeks after he brought troops north and defeated the Norwegian invaders, under King Harald Hardrada, at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, near York. Harold of England later became "strong in cavalry". However, the battle had seriously depleted the resources of the British king in the south, and, although he returned to train his troops in London on his way to meet with Norman's invaders, the powers he brought to the Battle of Hastings were smaller than those fighting at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. No British cavalry deployed:

[This] is a tactical decision... [British] troops hold four Norman cavalry before they finally break and this may be due to commander's death rather than the superiority of troops being attacked by invaders.

Although these troops had been described as horsemen, their weapons and armor were similar to those of pedestrians, and they did not fight as organized groups as the cavalry did.

Rag and Bone man with horse and cart surrounded by children in ...

The Middle Ages to the Industrial Age

The increase of horses for various purposes began in earnest during the Middle Ages. King Alexander I of Scotland (c 1078 - 1124) imported two horses from the East to England, in the first documented import of the oriental horses. King John of England (1199-1216) imported the Flemish 100 stallion to continue the increase of "big horse" for tournaments and nurseries. In the coronation of Edward I of England and Queen Eleanor of Castile in 1274, royal and aristocratic guests gave hundreds of their own horses, to anyone who could catch them.

[When King Edward] sits in the king of his flesh [Alexander III] from Scotland came to do his ministry... and a hundred knights with him, rode and lined up. And when they light their horses, they let their horses go where they are going, and those who can catch them have them for themselves.... [The Earl of Pembroke and Earl of Warenne respectively] lead the horse with their hands, and their hundred knights do the same. And when they get off their horses, they let them go wherever they go, and those who can take them still like them.

King Edward III of England (1312 - 1377) imported 50 Spanish horses, and three "big horse" from France. He is a passionate advocate of hunting, tournaments, and horse racing, where Spanish horses known as "horse runs" are then mainly involved.

Ownership of horses was widespread in the 12th century. Both tenant and landlord farmers are involved in land dredging for food crops in a relatively new open field system, and hiring horses for this work. Horses and carts are increasingly used to transport agricultural goods and equipment; farmers are obliged to transport the goods in their own wagons, although the poorest may have to rely on one horse for all their agricultural work. The need for transport results in revolutionary communication between villages. Horse breeding as a company continues; in the 14th century, Hexham Priory has 80 million heads, the Prior of Durham has two male ranches, the Rievaulx Monastery has one, the Gilbert d'Umfraville, the Earl of Angus, in Scotland, has significant grazing land for horses, conducted in east and west Pennines.

The introduction of a horse-drawn carriage in England, at the earliest of the fifteenth century, meant that much heavier loads could be carried, but it brought a necessity for a horse team capable of carrying heavier loads on the poor roads of the day. Where many are suitable, and the soil is very bad, the packing horses have more advantages than the carriages because they require less handling, faster, and can travel on much dirtier ground. At that time, the stake horses were available for public rent in post-staged cities on major UK routes. It is used by royal messengers with a warrant from the Advisory Board to hire horses for half price, but they will be suspended if all available horses are already involved. In 1482, while in Scotland, King Edward IV established a temporary relay of riders between London and Berwick-upon-Tweed, allowing messages to be sent in two days, and apparently mimicking the system used by Louis XI of France. The London merchant established a private post-horse system for correspondence with Calais, France, in 1496. Henry VIII appointed the first English Post in 1512: he established a local post office, whose post-son would carry a royal letter from one stage to the next stage on horseback, in a system that "combines elements of several European models".

In the early 16th century, the horse team began to replace the oxen teams working in the UK due to their greater speed, strength, and agility, especially in lighter ground; in heavier cow teams retains the advantage, either because they attract more steadily, albeit more slowly, and because they can work even though fed by grazing alone. While the horse collar, which allows the horse more freely to attract heavy weights, has been used in Western Europe in the 10th century, and may have been featured in the Bayeux Tapestry in the 11th or 12th century, the use of horse teams in England is possible partly because increased wheat farming, staple food for hardworking horses.

During the Hundred Years' War of the 14th century, the British government banned horse exports in times of crisis; in the 16th century, Henry VII passed a number of laws relating to breeding and exporting horses in an attempt to increase British stocks, where it was forbidden to allow unpasteurred male horses to appear in fields or on public lands; they must be "kept within bounds and tied in stalls". This decision caused inconvenience, and the practice of horses became widespread. In 1535, Henry VIII passed the Breed of Horses Act aimed at increasing the height and strength of the horse; no horses under 15 hands (60 inches, 152 cm) and no horses under 13 hands (52 inches, 132 cm) allowed to run on ordinary soil, or to run wild, and no two-year-old horses under 11.2. hands (46 inches, 117 cm) left in any area with horses. The annual rounds on public land are upheld, and any horses below the height limit are ordered to be destroyed, along with "all possibilities [little horses] whether horses or foals". Henry VIII also founded stud to breed imported horses such as Spanish Jennet, Neapolitan coursers, Irish Hobbies, Flemish "roiles", or draft horses, and "nags" of Scotland, or horseback riding. However, it was reported in 1577 that this had a "minor effect"; soon afterwards, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, Nicholas Arnold was said to have raised "the best horses in England".

During the reign of the successive queen Mary I and Elizabeth I, the law was introduced with the aim of reducing horse theft, which required all horse sale transactions recorded. The laws calling for the "under-height" horses rattle were partially repealed by Elizabeth I in 1566. These low-quality areas were unable to support the weight of horses desired by Henry VIII, and were liberated because of their "rottenness... [ They] can not breed and produce offspring [as the statute] 32 Henry VIII is declared, without the danger of tilting and destruction of them.This allows many horse princesses and forest horses in England to escape from the slaughter.Expansion of human population in England during Elizabeth's reign, and the resulting need for improvement in transportation, increased the demand for good horses.Horse transportation was so widespread at that time one morning, only 2,200 horses were counted on the road between Shoreditch, just north of London, and Enfield, about 14.6 miles (23 km) further north.

During the Tudor and Stuart periods, horses' possessions were wider in England than in the European continent, but decreased in the harsh economic environment of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. With the economic recovery, the number of horse owners increased again. Travel became more popular, along with horse renting, although the usual practice at the time was for a traveler to buy a horse for a trip, and then sell it when it arrived at its destination. Horses have been raced in Britain for hundreds of years during the time of King James VI of Scotland (1567 - 1625), but he brought the sport as it is known today to England from Scotland when he became king in both countries (1603 - 1625); he organized public races in a number of places, and continued to import quality animals aimed at developing new, lighter, and faster horses.

When Gervase Markham published his book of Cavalarice, or British Rider in 1617, farmers not only used packing horses, agricultural horses, and horse carts, but also kept horses for saddles and driving. Markham recommends crossing the original horses with other breeds for a particular purpose, such as suggesting Turks or Irish Hobby as a wild animal to produce horseback riding, Friesland and Flanders horses to produce light-weight animals, and German heavy horses to produce carrier animals the big one. Horse exhibitions are numerous, and some of the earliest mention of certain breeds, such as Cleveland horses and Suffolk Punch horses, dates from this period. The great Dutch horse was imported by King William III (1650 - 1702) when he discovered that existing horse carts did not have the power to drain Fens duties. These horses are known as the Lincolnshire Blacks, and the English heavy horses of today are their descendants. By the mid-17th century, the reputation of British horses across Europe had become so good that, according to Sir Jonas Moore in 1703, "since the peace treaty with France, the peasants have been offered by the French three times the usual price for their horses".

During the reign of Charles I (1625 - 1649), the passion for racing and racehorses, and for fast horses to hunt, became the focus of horse farms to the point that there was a greater dearth of horses used in tournaments and for war. This raises a complaint, because there is still a need for stronger and stronger horse types. The British Civil War, from 1642 to 1651, disrupted horse races; Oliver Cromwell forbade horse racing and ordered that all race horses and spectators on such occasions should be confiscated. He concentrates on breeding a suitable animal as a cavalry horse, by encouraging the crossbreeding of light riding horses with heavier horses, and effectively generating new types of horses altogether in warm water. Any horse exports other than geldings are forbidden, and the end of the war causes difficulties for horse breeders, as the demand for their horses is significantly reduced; but the dark trade of horses grew with richer Europeans, who wanted to buy from a much better stock of England. It was not until 1656 that the statute removed restrictions on horses for export. With the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, the breeding of quality horses began again "from the beginning".

Horse-powered agricultural equipment was repaired during this period. In 1600, the lighter plow that could be drawn by two horses, the "Dutch plow", was used in eastern England; this was followed in 1730 by light riders Rotherham, unplapped plow, or "swing". It's advertised as reducing the hijacking time by a third, or using one-third less horsepower for the same plow time. Improved seed drill and horses created by Jethro Tull in 1731; but it took more than 100 years for this design to be used in general. The earliest horse-powered threshing machine, permanently installed in the barn, was developed towards the end of the 18th century.

The use of horse-drawn horse trainers, known as 'Flying Coaches', began in 1669. The journey between London and Oxford by coaches has involved an overnight stay at Beaconsfield, but Oxford University organizes a project to enable the completion of the journey between sunrise and sunset. The project was successful, and was quickly copied by Cambridge University; at the end of Charles II's reign, in 1685, the Flying Coaches ran three times a week from London to all major cities, in good shape spanning about fifty miles a day. The Thoroughbred Horse was developed from around this time, with original horses crossed with Arab horses, Turks and Barbes to produce excellent racehorses; the General Stud Book, provides a clear and detailed genealogy, first published in the 1790s, and the pedigree of today's Thoroughbred horses can be traced with high accuracy to 1791. Horses are running in a race that sponsored by the monarchy then carries a load of about 12 miles (76 kg), more than the usual rock weight of 8-10 (51-64 kg), indicating that horse racing, hunting and pursuing partly derived from the need for military training.

Mail coach services started towards the end of the 18th century, adding to the use of existing fast trainers. The horses needed for quick coaches are mainly produced by overpowering farm horses into lighter types of horse racing, as a combination of speed, agility, resilience and strength are required. While nobles and nobles pay a high price for teams competing with quality horses, farmers sell the best of their animals for good profit, keep the animals of lower quality for themselves, or sold as saddlebags. Coaching trade grew from freight trade; some public transport is provided by farmers, who can keep horses in bulk in their own farms cheaper than those who have to buy food and fodder. However, the lodging innkeepers accounted for most of the trade. In many cases, an owner will work with his horse team only in his local district, but some have many training venues, and can provide transport in far greater distances. The advantage for owners of a series of training lodgings is that passengers on their coaches also use and pay for the services offered by their lodgings, often including overnight accommodations. Some innkeepers have hundreds of horses.

The Horse America, Throwing His Master - 1779 Cartoon

the 19th and 20th centuries

Horses remain the main source of power for agriculture, mining, transportation and warfare, until the arrival of steam engines. The Middleton Railway was established for industrial use by the Parliament Act in 1785; The Parliament also permitted the construction of the Surrey Iron Railway, intended to carry goods, in 1801, and the Oystermouth Railway, later known as the Swansea Railway and Mumbles, in 1804. The vehicles originally used by these horses, but developments in steam engines made them cheaper to run than horses, and more useful as a locomotive power source on trains. The Swansea and Mumbles Railway were the first to bring in paying passengers, from 1807, and soon followed by many others, with Parliament delivering about one new railway per year until 1821. By 1840, many railways had been laid, forming a network such as those created by George Hudson; the number of train lines increased from 1,497 in 1840 to 6,084 in 1850, and horse-drawn passenger trainers became obsolete over long distances.

The use of steam engines also began to make excessive horses in agricultural work. In a letter to The Farmer's Magazine in 1849, Alderman Kell of Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, commented that "[enough]... has been said, although it may not be mathematically correct, that horses are kept at great cost compared to steam engines that only eat when working ". With the invention of portable steam engines in the 1840s, promoted by the Royal Agricultural Society, steam-powered engines could be used on small farms. One person can invest in a portable machine, and cover the cost by employing it for making grass and harvest; the only use of horses here is to move the machine from one place to another. There are about 3.3 million horses in Victorian England. In 1900 about one million of them were working horses, but by 1914 this number dropped to between 20,000 and 25,000.

Horses and horses began to be used in British pits in the 18th century, to transport coal tubs and ores from faces that worked into elevators, in deep mines, or onto surfaces in shallow mines. Many of these ponies are Shetlands, because of their small size combined with tremendous power. A male breeding animal for the sole purpose of a nursery pit for a pit was established in 1870 by the owner of the coal mine Frederick Stewart, the 4th Marquess of Londonderry, and the Shetland Pony Stud Book Society formed in 1890 to stop the use of the best stallions in the pit. In 1984, only 55 pounds of pounds were used by the National Coal Board in England, especially in the modern pit in Ellington, Northumberland. A horse named "Robbie", probably the last one working underground in the British coal mine, retired from the mine at Pant y Gasseg, near Pontypool, in May 1999.

In the First World War, horses were used in battle for cavalry allegations, and they remain the best means of moving spies, messengers, wagon supplies, ambulances and artillery quickly on the battlefield; horses can refuel themselves to some extent by grazing, and can overcome the terrain that is outside the machine at that time. However, this war had a devastating effect on the UK horse population. As thousands of animals are designed for war effort, some breeds are so diminished that they are in danger of disappearing. Many breeds have been rescued by the dedicated efforts of some breeders that make up the breed community, keep track of the remaining animals and register them.

An Oral History of The Horse Brass - Willamette Week

21st century

Horses that work all but disappear from the streets of England in the 21st century; Among the few exceptions are heavy horses pulling carts, or drew. However, when Young's Brewery stopped brewing at Wandsworth, London, in 2006, it ended over 300 years of use of drunken horses by the brewery: his team of Shire horses had retired from delivery jobs and was given a new career with head paddlers , offering heavy horse team driving as a recreational event, although they continue to appear at Young's new pub opening ceremony and other publicity events. There are still working brewing horses in other areas, such as the Shire Wadworth Brewery horse in Devizes, Wiltshire, but the work team is becoming increasingly scarce. In some areas, such as the New Forest, local farmers and commoners use horses to collect thousands of semi-wild horses that graze in the open Forest during the wet season, and British police use horses in crowd control, but in addition to such niche areas, in the UK today is kept almost entirely for recreational purposes. They compete in all horseback riding, bringing riders from beginner to advanced in trekking and tiring vacations, working in a horse-riding school, providing therapies for the disabled, and many friends and loved hacks. The horses and riders from England have won many medals for horseback riding at the Summer Olympics.

Shire horse - Wikipedia


Feral horse - Wikipedia


Source of the article : Wikipedia
