Horse meat is the culinary name for meat that is cut from horses. This is the main meat only in some countries, especially in Central Asia, but is an important part of many culinary traditions of others, from Europe to South America to Asia. The top eight countries consume about 4.7 million horses per year. For most of the early human existence, wild horses are hunted as a source of protein. It's slightly sweet, soft, and low in fat.
Because the role of the horse acts as a friend and as a worker, and raises concerns about the ethics of the horse slaughter process, it is taboo food in some cultures. These historical associations, as well as rituals and religions, lead to the development of aversion to horse meat consumption. The horse is now given the status of pets by many people in some parts of the Western world, especially in the United States, Britain, and Ireland, which is increasingly establishing taboos in eating its flesh.
Video Horse meat
In the Paleolithic, wild horses form an important food source. In many parts of Europe, the consumption of horse meat continued throughout the Middle Ages to modern times, despite the ban of horse meat whales in 732. Horse meat was also eaten as part of a Germanic pagan religious ceremony in Northern Europe, especially ceremonies related to Odin worship.
Horses evolved in the continent of North America, and about 12,000 years ago, migrated to other parts of the world, becoming extinct in America. The Hagerman's horse, the size of a modern-day pony, is one example, found in Idaho on Hagerman's Dawn, a national monument. European horses who came to America with the Spaniards and followed by the settlers went wild, and were hunted down by the Pehuenche native people from what is now Chile and Argentina. At first, they hunted horses like they did on other games, but then they started raising them for meat and transportation. The meat, and still, is preserved by being dried in the High Andes into a product known as charqui .
French dated flavors for horse meat to Revolution. With the fall of the aristocracy, its supporters must find new means of subsistence. Just as hairdressers and tailors arrange themselves to serve the commoners, the horses are maintained by the aristocracy as a sign of prestige ultimately alleviate the hunger of the lower classes. During Napoleon's campaign, the head of the Napoleon Army surgeon, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, advised starving troops to eat horse meat. In the siege of Alexandria, the Arabian horses' flesh eliminates the plague of scabies. At the battle of Eylau in 1807, Larrey served the horse as a soup and boeuf ÃÆ' la mode . In Aspern-Essling (1809), cut off from the supply line, the cavalry uses the chest plates of falling cuirassiers as a cooking pot and gunpowder as a spice, and thus establishes a tradition carried out until at least the Waterloo Campaign.
Horse meat gained wide acceptance in French cuisine during the later years of the Second French Empire. The high cost of living in Paris prevented many working-class citizens from buying meat such as pork or beef, so in 1866 the French government legalized eating horse meat and the first meat shop specializing in horse meat opened in eastern Paris, providing quality meat at a price cheaper. During the siege of Paris (1870-1871), horse meat, along with donkey meat and donkeys, was eaten by anyone who could afford it, partly because of the lack of fresh meat in a blocked city, and also because the horse ate the grain needed by the human population. Although there are many horses in Paris (a suggested estimate of between 65,000 and 70,000 slaughtered and eaten during the siege) supplies are ultimately limited. Even the champion racehorse was not pardoned (even two horses presented to Napoleon III by Alexander II of Russia were slaughtered) but the flesh soon became scarce. Many Parisians perceived horse meat during the siege, and after the war ended, horse meat remained popular. Similarly, in other places and times of siege or famine, horses are seen as a source of food from last resort.
Despite the common Anglophone taboo, horse and donkey meat was eaten in England, especially in Yorkshire, until the 1930s, and at a time when postwar food shortages soared in popularity in the United States and was considered to be used in hospitals. The 2007 Time magazine article about horse meat brought from Canada to the United States characterizes meat as sweet, rich, superlean, oddly tender, and closer to beef than venison.
Maps Horse meat
Cultural attitudes
Horses are generally eaten in many countries in Europe and Asia. This is not a food that is generally available in some English-speaking countries such as Britain, Australia, Ireland, the United States, and British Canada. It is also taboo in Brazil, Israel, and among Romans and Jews all over the world. Horse meat is generally not eaten in Spain, except in the north, although the country exports both live horse and live animal meat slaughtered for the French and Italian markets. Horse meat is consumed in some countries of North America and Latin America, and is illegal in some countries. For example, the Australian Food Code Standards and New Zealand 'meat' definitions do not include horses. In Tonga, horse meat is eaten nationally, and the natives of Tonga living in the United States, New Zealand, and Australia still have a taste for it, claiming that Christian missionaries originally introduced it to them.
In Islamic law, consuming horse meat is makruh or discouraged, even if it is not haram or is forbidden. The consumption of horse meat has been common in Central Asian societies, past or present, because of the number of steppes suitable for raising horses. In North Africa, horse meat is sometimes consumed, but almost exclusively by Coptic Christians and Hanafi Sunni (a common form of Islam in Central Asia and Turkey), but has never been eaten in the Maghreb.
Horse meat is forbidden by Jewish dietary law because horses have no hoofed nails and they are not ruminants.
In the 8th century, Pope Gregory III and Zachary instructed Saint Boniface, a missionary to Germany, to forbid the eating of horse meat to those he confessed, due to his association with German pagan ceremonies. The Icelanders allegedly expressed a reluctance to embrace Christianity for some time, especially over the matter of giving up horse meat. Horse meat is currently consumed in Iceland and many horses have been raised for this purpose. People culturally close to Sweden still have an ambivalent attitude towards horse meat, said to be from this period.
Henry Mayhew explains the differences in acceptance and use of horseshoe in London and Paris at London Labor and the London Poor (1851). Horse meat is rejected by the British, but continues to be eaten in other European countries such as France and Germany, where robbers often sell horse carcasses despite the ban on whales. Even hunting wild horses for meat continues in the Westphalia area. The Londoners also suspect that horse meat is looking for the entrance to sausage, and the innards sold like cows are actually horses. About 1,000 horses were massacred a week.
Although there is no taboo in eating horse meat there is per se , generally regarded by ethnic Russians as low quality meat with bad taste, and rarely found in stores.
It's popular among the likes of Tatars, Yakuts, Kyrgyz, and Kazakh.
Reason taboo
In 732 AD, Pope Gregory III began a joint effort to stop the consumption of horse meat rituals in pagan practice. In some countries, the impact of this ban by the Roman Catholic Church still exists and the prejudice of horse meat has evolved from taboo, to avoid, to hatred. In other parts of the world, horse meat has a stigma as something poor people eat and is seen as a cheap substitute for other meats, such as pork and beef.
According to anthropologist Marvin Harris, some class horse cultures are taboo because horses turn grass into less efficient flesh than ruminants.
In a study conducted by Fred Simoons, the avoidance of horse meat in American culture was less likely because of the lingering feelings of Gregory's prohibition and instead due to unfamiliarity with meat compared to more mainstream offerings.
The totemistic taboo is also a possible reason for refusing to eat horse meat as a daily diet, but it does not necessarily preclude slaughter and ritual consumption. Roman sources claim that the goddess Epona was widely revered in Gaul and southern England. Epona, a three-sided goddess, is a guardian of horses and horses, and horses are sacrificed for him; he was aligned by Irish Macha and Welsh Rhiannon. In the The White Goddess , Robert Graves argues that the taboo among the British and their descendants is due to the worship of Epona, and even earlier rituals. The White Horse of Uffington is a possible proof of ancient horse worship. Kshatriya ancient India was involved in the sacrifice of horses (Ashwamedh Yaghya) as recorded in the Vedas and Ramayana; but in the context of a sacrificial ritual not being 'killed' but sucked to death. In 1913, Mari Finnic people from the Volga region were observed to practice the horse's sacrifice.
In ancient Scandinavia, the horse was very important, as a working living being, as a sign of the owner's status, and symbolically in the old Norse religion. The horses were slaughtered as sacrifices to the gods and their flesh was eaten by those who took part in religious celebrations. When Nordic countries are christened, eating horse meat is considered a sign of paganism and is prohibited. The reluctance to eat horse meat is still common in these countries even today.
In most countries where horses are slaughtered for food, they are processed in a similar way to livestock, that is, in large factory slaughterhouses (slaughterhouses) where they are stunned with crooked rifles and die of blood. In countries with less industrialized food systems, horses and other animals are individually slaughtered outside the home as needed, in the village where they will be consumed, or close to it.
In 2005, eight major horse-producing countries produced more than 700,000 tons of this product.
In 2005, the five largest horse meat consuming countries were China (421,000 tonnes), Mexico, Russia, Italy, and Kazakhstan (54,000 tonnes). In 2010, Mexico produced 140,000 tons, China - 126,000 tons, Kazakhstan - 114,000 tons.
Because horses are grass and grain converters that are relatively poor compared to cows, they are not usually raised or raised specifically for their meat. Conversely, horses are slaughtered when their money value as riders or low-income animals, but the owners can still make money selling it for horse meat, for example in the regular exports of the southern English horses of the New Forest, Exmoor, and Dartmoor. English law requires the use of "horse passports" even for semi wild horses to allow traceability (also known as "provenance"), so most slaughter is done in England before meat is exported, meaning that animals travel as carcasses rather than live. Former horse races, horse riding, and other horses sold at auction can also enter the food chain; sometimes these animals are stolen or bought under false pretenses. Even the prestigious horses could end up in a slaughterhouse; winner of the Kentucky Derby 1986 and 1987 Eclipse Award for the Horse of the Year winner, Ferdinand, is believed to have been slaughtered in Japan, possibly for pet food.
However, there is a misconception that horses are usually slaughtered for pet food. In many countries, like the United States, horse meat was banned in pet food in the 1970s. American horse meat is considered delicious in Europe and Japan, and the cost is in accordance with veal, so it will be very expensive in many countries for pet food.
The British newspaper The Daily Mail reports that every year, 100,000 live horses are transported to and around the European Union for human consumption, mainly to Italy, but also to France and Belgium.
The meat of the horse that the veterinarian puts in a lethal injection is not suitable for human consumption, since the poison remains in the flesh; Such carcasses of animals are sometimes cremated (most other disposal problems are problematic, due to their toxins). Remnants of euthanized animals may be given, which retain the value of skin, bones, fat, etc., For purposes such as fish food. This is usually done for laboratory specimens (eg, pigs) that are euthanized by injection. The number of drugs (eg barbiturates) is insignificant after rendering.
Horse carcasses treated with some drugs are considered edible in some jurisdictions. For example, according to Canadian regulations, hyaluron, used in the treatment of certain disorders in horses, in preparation of HY-50, should not be given to animals for slaughter for horse meat. But in Europe, similar preparations are not considered to have such an effect, and the appeal of horse meat is unaffected.
Opposition to production
The killing of horses for human consumption is widely opposed in countries like the US, the UK and Australia. where horses are generally regarded as companions and sports animals only. Almost all medicines and horse care are labeled as not intended for human consumption. In the EU, horses intended to be slaughtered can not be treated with many of the drugs commonly used for US horses. For horses to be slaughtered, no withdrawal period, the time between drug delivery and their time of slaughter, is required. French actress and animal rights activist, Brigitte Bardot, has spent years struggling against eating horse meat. However, the opposition is far from unanimous; the 2007 readers' poll of the London Time Out magazine showed that 82% of respondents supported the decision of chef Gordon Ramsay to serve horse meat at his restaurant.
Nutritional value
Get started
The horse meat has a slightly sweet taste reminiscent of a combination of beef and venison. The meat of the younger horses tends to be lighter in color, while older horses produce richer colors and flavors, like most mammals. Horse meat can be used to replace beef, pork, mutton, venison, and other meats in almost all recipes. Horse meat is usually very slim. Jurisdictions that allow horse slaughter for food rarely have age restrictions, so many are quite old. Those who prepare sandwiches or cold foods with horse meat usually use it smoked and salted. This is an ingredient in some traditional salami recipes.
In different countries
In 2009, a UK agricultural industry website reported this level of horse meat production in different countries:
- * Including a donkey.
Australians generally do not eat horse meat, although they have a horse-cutting industry that exports to Japan, Europe, and Russia. Horse meat exports peaked at 9,327 tons in 1986, declining to 3,000 tons in 2003. They are in Peterborough in South Australia (SAMEX Peterborough Pty Ltd) and Caboolture Abattoir in Queensland (Meramist Pty Ltd). A UK agricultural industry website reports that Australia's horse meat production rate has increased to 24,000 tonnes in 2009.
On June 30, 2010, West Australian Agriculture Minister Terry Redman gave final approval to West Australian meat dealer Vince Garreffa to sell horse meat for human consumption. The owner of the Nedlands restaurant, Pierre Ichallalene announces a plan to do down on Bastille Day and put a horse meat dish on the menu if his reaction is good. Mr Redman said that the government would "consider extending approval if the public's appetite for horse requests".
Mr. Garreffa is the owner of Mondo Di Carne, a large wholesale meat supplier that supplies many cafes, restaurants and hotels in Western Australia. He commented that there is no domestic market for horse meat, but a successful export market exists, where he believes Western Australia should have a share.
This decision causes anger among some groups, limited reactions from many, and enthusiasm from others. Some local newspaper forums indicate that the general public is not very biased, in fact many are expressing their openness to alternative meats.
Horse meat consumption continues as a niche market in Australia, with further growth potential as gourmet interest grows.
Although generally acceptable to Chinese, outside of certain areas such as Guilin in Guangxi or in Yunnan Province, horse meat is unpopular due to its low availability and rumors that horse meat tastes bad or bad for health. Since the Summary of Materia Medica written during the Ming dynasty by Li Shizhen shows that horse meat is poisonous and can cause folliculitis or death. The Compendium of Materia Medica also affirms, "To eliminate toxins caused by eating horse meat, one can drink Phragmites root jouce and eat apricot kernels." Today, in southern China, famous local dishes include horse meat rice noodles ( ???? ; Pinyin: m? RÃÆ'²u m? F? n ) in Guilin and horse meat hot pot ( ???? ; Pinyin: m? rÃÆ'²u hu? gu? ) in Huishui County in Guizhou Province.
In Indonesia, one type of satay (cut pieces of grilled meat served with spicy sauce) is known as horse sate (Javanese: sate jaran , Indonesian: horse sate ) made from horse meat. The delights of Yogyakarta are served with fresh cuts of onion, pepper, and sweet soy sauce.
In Japanese cuisine, raw horse meat is called sakura (? ) or my consent ( ?? , sakura means cherry blossom, niku means meat) because the color is pink. These can be served raw as sizzimi in thin slices dipped in soy sauce, often with ginger and onions added. In this case, this is called basashi ( ??? ) . Basashi is popular in some areas of Japan and is often served in the izakaya bar. Fat, usually from the neck, is also found as basashi , although it is white, not pink. Horse meat is also sometimes found on the menu for my confidence (a barbecue), where it is called baniku ( ?? , literally "horse meat") or bagushi ( ?? , "pierced horse") ; thin slices of raw horse meat are sometimes served wrapped in shiso leaves. Kumamoto, Nagano, and? Ita is famous for basashi , and it is also common in the Tohoku region. Some types of "corned beef" canned in Japan include a horse as one of its ingredients.
In addition to raising local horses for meat, Japan imports live horses (from Canada) and meat from several countries - the top five are Canada, Mexico, Italy, Argentina and Brazil.
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
In Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, horse meat is a big part of the diet, mainly because of the nomadic roots of the population. Some dishes include sausages called kazy and chuchuk or shuzhyk made from meat using guts as sausage skin, zhaya made of the smoked and boiled bacon meat, jal (or zhal) is made from the sucked and boiled fat of the neck, karta is made from the smoked part of the rectum and boiled, and sur-et stored as dried meat.
A salted horse meat sausage called kazy is produced as a regional delicacy by the Kazakhs. Generally, Mongols prefer beef and mutton (although during cold winters Mongolia, some people prefer horse meat because of their low cholesterol). It's kept not frozen, and traditionally people think horse meat helps warm them up.
Other Asian countries import horse meat from Mongolia.
In the Philippines, horse meat ( lukba , kabayo tapang , or kabayo ) is a delicious food that is commonly sold in the wet market. A very common preparation method that includes soaking the meat in calamansi or lemon juice, toyo (soy sauce), and patÃÆ's (fish sauce)). Then fried and served, and often dipped in vinegar to give a sense of tart to the meat.
South Korea
In South Korea, horse meat is generally not eaten, but raw horse meat, usually around the neck, is consumed as a delicious meal on Jeju Island. Usually flavored with soy sauce and sesame oil.
In Tonga, horse meat or lo'i ho'osi is much more than a delicacy; horse meat consumption is generally reserved for special occasions only. These particular occasions may include the death of an important family member or community member or as a form of celebration during the birthday of an important family member or perhaps an important person's visit, such as the King of Tonga.
In Tonga, horses are one of the most valuable animals a family can have because of its use as load bearing animals. Tonga has long been short of land compared to its inhabitants so the missionaries introduced horse meat instead of livestock. Therefore, slaughtering horses for consumption becomes a moment of great respect for the person or event in which the horse is slaughtered. Although diaspora to Western countries such as Australia, the United States, and New Zealand, where horse meat consumption is generally taboo, Tong people still practice horse meat consumption and perhaps even more because it is readily available and more affordable.
In 2013, horse meat and horse DNA traces are found in some food products where horses are not labeled as ingredients, fueling the 2013 meat forgery scandal across Europe.
The horse LeberkÃÆ'¤se is available at horse-specific butchers and sometimes at various kiosks, sold in rolls. Dumplings can also be prepared with horse meat, spinach, or Tyrolean GraukÃÆ'¤se (sour milk cheese). They are sometimes eaten alone, in a soup, or as a side dish.
In Belgium, horse meat ( paardenvlees in Dutch and viande chevaline in French) is very popular in a number of preparations. Lean, smoked, and sliced ​​horse meat ( paardenrookvlees or paardengerookt ; filet chevalin in French) is presented as a cold cut with a sandwich or as part of the salad was cold. Horse steaks can be found in most butchers and are used in various preparations. The town of Vilvoorde has several restaurants specializing in dishes prepared with horse meat. Horse sausage is a famous local specialty in Lokeren with European recognition. Horse/pork or dried horse sausages, similar to salami, are sold in square form to be distinguished from pork and/or beef sausage. The Flemish region around the river Rupel is also famous for a boiled horse named 'Schep', made of shoulder claws (or similar pieces), brown ale, onion, and mustard. Schep is usually served with French fries, mayonnaise and Belgian raw salad.
Horse meat is served in some restaurants in Bulgaria, because the preferred way to eat it is in the form of steak and burgers. Still far from meat for mass consumption, horse meat regained its popularity, which had existed in the 60s and 70s of last century, when it was also consumed in sausages and tartares.
In France, a specialty meat shop ( boucheries chevalines ) sells horse meat, since ordinary butchers have long been forbidden to deal with it. However, since the 1990s, it can be found in supermarket butchers and others.
The famous horse meat was eaten in large quantities during the 1870 Siege of Paris, when it was included in the haute cuisine menu.
In Germany, horse meat is sold by a special butcher ( Pferdemetzgereien ) and by mail order. Many areas of Germany have traditional recipes that include horse meat. In the Rhineland around Cologne and DÃÆ'¼sseldorf it is still common for restaurants to offer traditional Sauerbraten in horse meat and beef variants. Other traditional horse meat dishes include Swabian Pottderostbraten (baked roast beef mixed with roast beef), Bavarian sausage varieties such as Rosswurst and Ross-Kochsalami > as well as Ross-LeberkÃÆ'¤se , a minced dish.
The meat fraud scandal of 2013 begins when German authorities detect horse meat in prepared food products including frozen lasagna, where it is declared cheat as beef. This false labeling encourages EU authorities to expedite the publication of the EC recommendations to mark the origin of all processed meats.
In Hungary, horse meat is mainly used in salami and sausage, usually mixed with pork, but also in goulash and other stew. These products are sold in most supermarkets and many meat shops.
In Iceland, it is well eaten minced and as a steak, also used in stews and fondue, is valuable for its strong taste. It has a special role in the culture and history of the island. The Icelanders are said to be reluctant to embrace Christianity for some time mainly because of the matter of handing over horse meat after Pope Gregory III forbade the consumption of horse meat in 732 AD, as it is a major part of many pagan ceremonies and sacrifices in Northern Europe. The consumption of horse meat was forbidden when the Norse Norse finally adopted Christianity in the year 1000. The ban became so embedded that most people would not handle horse meat let alone consume it. Even during the famine of the 18th century most people would not eat horse meat, and those who did it were criticized. In 1757 the ban was decriminalized, but the general hatred for horse meat proceeded well into the nineteenth century, perhaps longer and its consumption was often regarded as an indication of poverty. Even today the horse meat is unpopular (3.2% of Iceland meat production in 2015), although it is more related to culinary traditions and the popularity of riding than the remains of religion.
Horse meat is very popular in Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige/SÃÆ'¼dtirol, Parma, Apulia, and the islands of Sardinia and Sicily.
Horse meat is used in various recipes: as a soup called pastissada (typical of Verona), served as a steak, such as carpaccio , or made into bresaola . The thin strip of horse meat called sfilacci is very popular. Horse fat is used in recipes such as pezzetti di cavallo . Horse meat sausages and traditional salamis in various places. In Sardinia, sa petza 'e cuaddu or sa petha (d) e caddu campidanese and logudorese for horses meat) is one of the most famous meat and is sometimes sold in ordinary stalls with bread - also in the town of Sassari is a long tradition of eating horse steak ( carri in cabaddu in local dialect). Chefs and consumers tend to appreciate their uniqueness by presenting it as often as possible. Donkeys are also cooked, for example as soup called stracotto d'asino and as meat for sausages for example. mortadella d'asino . Parma cuisine serves horse tartare meat called pesto di cavallo, as well as a variety of cooked dishes.
In Veneto, the consumption of horse meat dates from at least 1000 BC to the Adriatic Veneti, renowned for its skill in raising horses. They are used to sacrifice horses for their goddess Reitia or to Diomedes mythical heroes. Throughout the classical period, Veneto established itself as a horse breeding center in Italy; Venetian horses are reserved for cavalry and trains from Roman legions, with white Venet horses becoming famous among Greeks and Romans as one of the best races for the racing circus. As well as horse farms for military and agricultural applications, Venetics also uses them for consumption throughout the Roman period, a practice that establishes the consumption of horse meat as a tradition in Venetian cuisine. In modern times, horse meat is considered a luxury item and is widely available through supermarkets and butchers, with some specialty meat shops offering only pieces of horse meat. Prices are usually higher than beef, pork, or any other kind of meat except gaming.
In Padua province, horse meat is a key element of local cuisine, especially in areas stretching southeast of the city, historically called Saccisica. Specialization based on horse meat is the main program and the best attractions of some typical restaurants in the zone. They are also served amongst other regional delicacies at food booths from many local festivals, linked to civil and religious memorials. The most famous is the Festa del Cavallo , which is held annually in the small town of Legnaro and is really dedicated to horses, including their consumption for food.
Some traditional dishes are:
- Sfilacci di cavallo : small fried horse meat, dried and seasoned; to be consumed raw, can be a light and fast snack, more popular as a topping in other dishes: ex. pasta, risotto, pizza, salads, etc.
- StraÃÆ'Â © ca : a soft, thin horse steak cut from the diaphragm, in various ways cooked and dressed on a grill, pan or hot plate.
- Bistecca in puledro colt steak, whose preparations are similar to straÃÆ' cà © ca
- Spezzatino di cavallo also says cavÃÆ' eo in umido , a small piece of horse meat, boiled with onions, parsley and/or seasonings and other flavors, potatoes, broth, wine , etc., usually consumed with polenta, is greatly appreciated also is a similar stew made of donkey meat, served in a traditional trattorie, with many variations for different villages: spessadin de musso , musso in umido , musso di tocio , musso di pocio
- Prosciutto di cavallo : ham ham, served in very thin slices
- Salame in cavallo or salsiccia di cavallo : various types of salami, various manufactured or seasoned, sometimes made of pure horse meat, sometimes mixed with others (beef or pork)
- Bigoli al sugo di cavallo : a typical form of fresh pasta, similar to thick rough spaghetti, dressed in a sauce like Bolognese sauce, but made with minced horse meat
- Pezzetti di cavallo al sugo : horse soup, seasoned with sauce, vegetables and various peperocino, widely used in Salento
In southern Italy, horse meat is usually eaten everywhere - especially in the Apulia region, where it is considered a delicacy. This is often an important part of the ragÃÆ'¹ barese ( [ra '? U ba're: ze] ) in Bari.
According to British food writer Matthew Fort, "The donkeys and horses return to a time when these animals became part of everyday farming life.In a simple and non-sentimental way from the farming community, all animals are seen as a source of protein.. "
In Malta, horse meat (Maltese: La? Am ta? -> Iemel ) was stung and slowly cooked for hours with tomato sauce or red wine. Some horse meat shops are still there and still served in some restaurants.
In the Netherlands, smoked horse meat (paardenrookvlees ) is sold as sliced ​​meat and eaten on bread. Zuurvlees , a southern Dutch stew, made with horse meat as the main ingredient. There are also beef-based variants. Horse meat is also used in sausages ( paardenworst and frikandel ), fast-food snacks and fast-food soup.
In Norway, horse meat is usually used in preserved meats, such as vossakorv and svartpÃÆ'¸lse , and more rarely like steak, hestebiff .
In pre-Christian Norway, horses are seen as expensive animals. To eat a horse is to show that a person has great wealth, and to sacrifice a horse to the gods is seen as the greatest gift one can give. When Norwegians adopt Christianity, eating horse is a taboo because it is a religious act for unbelievers, so it is considered a sign of heresy.
Life, old horses are often exported to Italy for slaughter. This practice also garnered controversy. The horses in Poland were treated mostly as friends and most of the people opposed to direct exports to Italy. However, in Poland there is a tradition of eating horse meat (steak sausage or tartare). The consumption of horse meat was the greatest at a time when other meat was scarce (in the 20th century: World War II and communist period).
Horse meat is generally available in Serbia, although it is largely shunned in traditional cuisine. However, it is often recommended by general practitioners for people suffering from anemia. It is available for purchase at three green markets in Belgrade, a market in Ni ?, and in some ethnically mixed Vojvodina towns, where Hungarian and previous German traditions bring usage.
Horse meat is generally available in Slovenia, and is very popular in traditional cuisine, especially in the central region of Carniola and in the Karst region. Colt steak (Rebi? Kov zrezek ) is also very popular, especially in the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana, where it is part of the city's traditional regional cuisine. In Ljubljana, many restaurants sell burgers and meat containing large quantities of horse meat, including a fast-food chain called Hot 'Horse.
Cecina is meat made from beef or horse, and it is considered a delicious food. Foal meat is preferred over horse meat, and is easily found in supermarkets and is usually prepared as a soup or steak. It is common practice to give it to children with anemia. Although there is no general taboo in Spain, the consumption is small compared to pork, beef, and lamb.
Smoked/preserved horse meat is widely available as a cold cut with the name
The ordinance on foodstuffs of animal origin in Switzerland explicitly lists equality as an animal species permitted for food production. Ordinary horse steaks. The specialty known as MostbrÃÆ'¶ckli is made with beef or horse. It is also used for a variety of sausages in the northern part of Switzerland that speak German. As in northern Italy, in the Italian-speaking south, the local salametti (sausage) is sometimes made with horse meat. It can also be used in fondue Bourguignonne .
United Kingdom
In the UK, slaughter, preparation, and consumption of horses for food do not violate the law, although it has been rare since the 1930s and is generally not available. There is a cultural taboo against eating horse meat in England, though it is eaten when other meat is rare, as during wartime (like whale meat, which was never popular in the UK). Sales of meat labeled as horse meat in supermarkets and butchers are minimal, and most of the correctly described horse meat consumed in the UK is imported from Europe, especially in the south of France, where more is available.
Horse meat can be eaten unbeknownst to consumers, due to the unintentional or fraudulent introduction of horse meat into human food. The 2003 Food Standards Investigation (FSA) revealed that certain sausages, salami, and such products such as chorizo ​​and pastrami sometimes contained horse meat without being included, even though the list was legally required.
Horse meat is featured in a segment in the 2007 episode of the Gordon Ramsay series The F Word . In that segment, Janet Street-Porter convinced the locals to try horse meat, though not before the controversy and was forced to move her pocket to a private location. The meat served has the same flavor as beef, but with less fat, high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids and safer alternatives in times of worry about bird flu and mad cow disease. The segment was greeted with skepticism from many people after being broadcasted for various reasons, either because some people feel the practice is cruel and contrary to social norms, or just the belief that if it feels really equivalent to other meat, then people will already eat it..
In Ukraine, especially in the Crimea and other southern grasslands areas, horse meat is consumed in the form of sausages called mahan and sudzhuk . This special sausage is a traditional food of the Crimean Tatar population.
North America
The growing horse meat business is in Quebec; meat is available in most supermarket chains there. Horse meat is also sold at the other end of the country, at Granville Island Market in downtown Vancouver, where, according to a Time magazine observer who smuggled it into the United States, it was "Sweet, rich, superlean, meat strange tender, closer to beef than venison ". Horse meat is also available at butchers and supermarkets in Toronto. In addition to the legacy of French cuisine at one end of the country, most Canadians share a horse meat taboo with the rest of the English-speaking world. This mentality is very clear in Alberta, where the horse racing industry and cultivation are strong and have existed since the establishment of the province, although large numbers of horses were slaughtered for meat at Fort MacLeod, and certain butchers in Calgary sold it.
Consumer protection showed Kassensturz from Swiss SRF television along with Tier Schutz Bund, ZÃÆ'¼rich, reporting on February 19, 2013 ill-treatment and brutal farming at a Canadian horse meat farm in Fort MacLeod, Alberta, consequently imports from such farms has been boycotted.
CBC News reported on March 10, 2013, that horse meat is also popular among some segments of the Toronto population.
United States
Horse meat is not generally eaten in the United States and stores taboos in American cultures very similar to those found in England. All horse meat produced in the United States (until the last quarter of 2007) is only intended for export abroad, especially to the European Union. Horse export business is developing in progress in some states, including Texas, mainly exporting horses to slaughterhouses in Canada or Mexico.
Restrictions on human horse meat consumption in the US generally involve local, state, and federal laws. Some countries enact legislation either prohibiting the sale of horse meat or forbidding at all the horse massacre. California Proposition 6 (1998) is authorized by state voters, prohibiting the ownership, transfer, acceptance or holding of horses, ponies, burros, or mules by people who are aware that it will be used for human consumption, and make horse slaughter or horse meat sales for human consumption violation violations.
In 2007, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Public Act 95-02, the amendment of Chapter 225, Section 635 of the law of the country compiled to prohibit the act of slaughtering horses for human consumption as well as trade in horse meat similar to Texas Agricultural Code Chapter 149.
Other countries that prohibit horse slaughter or sale of horse meat include New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Mississippi. In addition, several other states introduced laws to ban practices for years, such as Florida, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and New York.
At the federal level, since 2001 several bills have been regularly introduced in the House and Senate to ban horse massacres across the country with no results. However, the provision of the budget prohibiting the use of federal funds to perform mandatory inspections at horse slaughtering plants (required to allow the sale of interstate and export of horse meat) has also been in existence since 2007. This restriction was temporarily removed in 2011 as part of the Joint and Continuing Law Continued for Fiscal Year 2012 but again incorporated in the Agricultural Direction Act of the year FY2014 and subsequent federal budgets, thus preventing operation of domestic horse slaughter operations.
Until 2007, only three horse cutting houses remained in the United States for export to overseas markets, but they were closed by court orders resulting from the enactment of Illinois and Texas laws that prohibit slaughter of horses and the sale of horse meat.
The taboo surrounding horse meat in the United States received national attention again in May 2017 when a restaurant in Lawrenceville in Pittsburgh served a dish containing horse tartare as part of a special event the restaurant hosted French Canadian chefs as guests. The restaurant, which if not serving horse meat (which is legal to serve and consume in Pennsylvania), received inspections and warnings from the USDA not to serve horse meat anymore. A petition then went up to advocate for the presentation of illegal horse meat in Pennsylvania.
From the 1920s to the 1950s or 1960s, and with a brief hiccup during World War II, horse meat was canned and sold as dog food by many different companies under various brands, mainly by Rans Ken-L. The popularity of horse meat as dog food became so popular that by the 1930s more than 50,000 horses were raised and slaughtered each year to meet this particular demand.
In 2005, Mexico was the second largest horse meat producer in the world. In 2009, he became the largest horse meat producer in the world. It is only exported because it is not used or consumed in Mexico.
South America
In Chile, this is used in charqui . Also in Chile, horse meat became the main source of nutrition for indigenous migrants, who soon switched from a guanaco-based economy to a horse-based economy after horses carried by the Spaniards were naturally raised and wild. This was applied specifically to the Pampas and Mapuche, who became fierce horsemen. Similar to Tatars, they eat raw horse meat and milk their animals.
Although not nearly as common as beef, horse meat can be available at several butchers across the country. Generally cheaper than beef and somewhat related to lower social strata.
In Colombia, eating horse meat is considered taboo. Argentina
Argentina is a producer and exporter of horse meat, but it is not used in local consumption and is considered taboo.
In Venezuela, eating horse meat is considered taboo.
See also
External links
- "A..S.D.A Promoting Horse & Goat Meat". International Generic Horse Association . Retrieved 2007-08-09 . (citing the 1997 USDA report that it says is no longer available online)
- La Viande Chevaline, a website created by the structure of the French Horse Industry, called Interbev Equins (France)
- While eating sashimi horse meat
- Yes, the Russians eat the horse meat of Windows to Russia
Source of the article : Wikipedia