Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

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Horse-fly - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Horse fly or horseflies (for other names, see common name) is a true fly in the Tabanidae family in the order of Diptera insects. They are often large and nimble in flight, and females bite animals, including humans, to get blood. They prefer to fly in the sun, avoid dark and shady areas, and not active at night. They are found all over the world except for some islands and polar regions. Kuda-fly is sometimes also referred to as gadflies , although the term is ambiguous and often refers to botflies (Oestridae).

Adult horses feed on nectar and exudate plants; males have weak mouths and only females bite animals to get enough protein from the blood to produce eggs. The female's mouth is formed into a handsome stabbing organ with two pairs of sharp cutting knives, and the spongy-like parts are used to vomit blood flowing from the wound. The larvae are predatory and grow in semiotic habitats.

Female horses can transfer diseases that are transmitted through blood from one animal to another through their eating habits. In the area where the disease occurs, they have been known to carry an infectious anemia virus of horses, some trypanosomes, filarial worms, loa loa, anthrax among cattle and sheep, and tularemia. As well as making life outdoors uncomfortable for humans, they can reduce growth rates in cows and lower cow's milk output if appropriate shelters are not provided.

Horse flies have appeared in the literature since Aeschylus in Ancient Greece mentions them making people go mad because of their persistent pursuit. Shakespeare uses an annoying enthusiast theme in his drama King Lear and Antony and Cleopatra .

Video Horse-fly

Common names

Apart from the common name of "horse-fly", broad category of biting, Tabanidae's treachery is known by a large number of common names. The word "Tabanus" was first recorded by Pliny the Younger and has survived as a generic name. In general, the villagers do not distinguish between the various biting insects that interfere with their livestock and call them all "gad-flies", from the word "gad" which means a spike. The most common names are "cleg [g]", "gleg" or "clag", originating from Old Norse and possibly from the Viking. Other names like "stout" refer to the vast bodies of insects and "dun-flies" to their dreary staining. The Chrysops species are known as "deer", probably because of their abundance in the moorland where deer roam, and "buffaloes", "deer" and "elephants" come from other parts the world where these animals were found. In North America they are known as "wind-flies", and in Australia, some are known as "March flies", a name used in other Anglophonic countries to refer to Bibionidae that does not suck blood.

Maps Horse-fly


Adult Tabanids are large flies with prominent compound eyes, short antennas consisting of three segments, and wide bodies. In women, the eyes are widely separated but in men they are almost touching; they are often patterned and brightly colored in life but look dull in preserved specimens. The terminal segment of this antenna is pointed and annoyed, appearing to consist of several tapering rings. No hair or arista arising from the antenna. Both the head and the chest are bandaged with short hair, but there is no hair on the body. Clear membranous forewings, shaded or brown gray uniforms, or patterned in several species; they have a basal lobe (or calypter) that covers the hindwings or holes of modified things as modified. The toe has two lobes on the side (pulvili) and the central or emporium lobes in addition to the two claws that allow them to grasp the surface. The introduction of species is based on the details of the head structure (antennae, fron, and maxilla), wing venation and body pattern; minute variations of the surface structure cause subtle changes of the hairs on it that alter the appearance of the body.

Tabanid species range from medium to very large and powerful insects. Most have a body length between 5 and 25 mm (0.2 and 1.0 inches), with the largest having a wingspan of 60 mm (2.4 inches). Deer fly in the genus Chrysops has a length of up to 10 mm (0.4 inches), has a yellow body to black and a striped stomach, and a membrane wing with dark patches. Horse flies (genus Tabanus ) are larger, up to 25 mm (1 inch) and mostly dark brown or black, with dark eyes, often with metallic luster. The yellow fly (genus Diachlorus ) has a shape similar to the deer fly, but it has a yellowish body and purplish black eyes with a green sheen. Some species in the subfamily Pangoniinae have a very long trunk (tubular mouthpart).

Long and cylindrical larvae with small head and 12 body segments. They have a tuberkel ring (warty development) known as pseudopods around the segment, as well as short-set (feather) groups. The posterior end of each larva has a respiratory siphon and a rounded area known as the Graber organ. The headlines and wings of mature insects are visible through pupae, which have seven moving abdominal segments, all but the front having a setae. The posterior end of the pupa contains a group of spinal tubercle.

Some species, such as the Deer fly and the March fly in Australia, are known to be very noisy during flight, although clegs, for example, flies quietly and bit with little warning. Tabanid is a lively flier; Hybomitra species have been observed to perform air maneuvers similar to those performed by fighter jets, such as Turn Immelmann. Horseflies can claim to be the fastest flying insects; Hybomitra hinei wrighti's men have been recorded at speeds of up to 145 km (90 mi) per hour while chasing women.

Blood-thirsty jungle horse-flies catch big chill from Smithsonian ...
src: insider.si.edu

Distribution and habitat

Horse flies are found all over the world, except for the polar regions, but they do not exist in some islands like Greenland, Iceland and Hawaii. Genera Tabanus , Chrysops , and Haematopota all occur in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions, but Haematopota is absent from Australia and South America. Flies occur mostly in warm areas with moist locations suitable for breeding, but also occupy a variety of habitats from the desert to alpine grasslands. They are found from sea level to at least 3,300 m (10,800 ft).

Oriental horsefly (1/2) | Tabanus striatus complex, Family: … | Flickr
src: c1.staticflickr.com

Evolution and taxonomy

The first records of tabanids are from the Late Jurassic of China, and specimens from Cretaceous have been found in England, Spain, and possibly South Africa. In the New World, the first discoveries came from Miocene of Florissant, Colorado. These insects are recognized as tabanids both from their mouths and their wing venation. Although blood-sucking habits are associated with long trunks, fossilized insects that have an elongated mouth are not always bloodsuckers, as they may eat nectar. The ancestral tabanids may have evolved along with the angiospermic plants they eat. With the need for high protein foods for egg production, early tabanomorphic diets may be predators, and from here the habit of bloodsuckers may have evolved. In the Santana Formation in Brazil, no mammals are found, so the fossil tabanide found there is likely to be fed reptiles. The avoidance of cold blood may precede the sucking of warm blood, but some dinosaurs postulated to be warm-blooded and may have been the initial host for horse flies.

Tabanidae is a fly and a member of the Diptera insect order. With the Athericidae family, Pelecorhynchidae and Oreoleptidae, Tabanidae is classified in Tabanoidea superfamily. Together with Rhagionoidea, this superfamily forms the Tabanomorpha infraorder. The Tabanoid family appears to be united by the presence of a toxic canal in the lower jaws of the larvae. Around the world, some 4,455 Tabanidae species have been described, more than 1,300 of them in the genus Tabanus .

The tabanid identification is largely based on morphological characters of the adult head, wing venation, and sometimes the last abdominal segment. Genitalia is very simple and does not provide a clear species differentiation as in many other insect groups. In the past, most taxonomic treatments consider the family to be composed of three subfamilies: Pangoniinae (Pangoniini, Philolichini, Scionini), Chrysopsinae (Bouvieromyiini, Chrysopsini, Rhinomyzini), and Tabaninae (Diachlorini, Haematopotini, Tabanini). Some treatments raise these into five subfamilies, adding the Adersiinae subfamily, with a single genus Adersia , and the Scepcidinae subfamily, with both my Braunsiomyia and Scepsis genera.

A 2015 study by Morita et al. using nucleotide data, which aims to clarify the phylogeny of Tabanidae and support three subfamilies. Subfamilies Pangoniinae and Tabaninae are proven to be monophyletic. The tribes of Philolichini, Chrysopsini, Rhinomyzini, and Haematopotini were found to be monophyletic, with Scionini also being monophyletic apart from the difficult-to-place genus Goniops. Adersia is found in Pangoniini like genera previously placed in Scepcidinae, and Mycteromyia and Goniops found inside Chrysopsini.

  • Chrysopsinae subfamily (flying deer or banded horse fly)
  • Pangoniinae subfamily (long hoary fly fly)
  • Tabaninae subfamily (horse-fly)

Tabaninae has no oselus (simple eyes) and has no spurs on the ends of their tibiae. In Pangoniinae, ocelli is present and the antennal flagellum (a whip-like structure) usually has eight annuli (or rings). In Chrysopsinae, flagella antenna has a basalt plate and flagella has four annuli. The female has a shining callus on the fron (front head between the eyes). The Adersiinae has divided divided into the ninth abdominal segment, and Scepsidinae has a very reduced mouth. The Pelecorhynchidae family members were initially included in Tabanidae and moved to Rhagionidae before being appointed to separate families. Tabanomorpha infraorder shares the eating habits of blood as a common primitive characteristic, although this is confined to women.

Two famous genera are the general horse fly, Tabanus , named by the Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus in 1758, and the flying deer, Chrysops, named by the German entomologist Johann Wilhelm Meigen on 1802. Meigen pioneered research on flies and became a writer of Die Fliegen (Flies); he gave the name Haematopota, blood drinker, to another common genus of horse fly.

Hybomitra paarma lähikuvassa - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Diet and bite behavior

Adult horses feed on nectar and exudate plants, and some are important pollinators of particular special flowers; several species of South Africa and Asia in Pangoniinae have an unusually long probability adjusted for nectar extraction from flowers with narrow long corolla tubes, such as Lapeirousia and Pelargonium.

Both males and females are involved in nectar feeding, but in addition, females of most species are autogenic, meaning they need blood food before they are able to reproduce effectively. To get blood, females bite animals, including humans, while males are harmless. The woman needs about six days to digest her blood food and after that, she needs to find another host. The flies seem to be attracted to potential victims with the movement, warmth, and texture of the surface, and by carbon dioxide he breathes out. Flies primarily choose large mammals such as cattle, horses, camels, and deer, but only a few are specific to the species. They have also been observed feeding on small mammals, birds, lizards, and turtles, and even in animals that have just died. Because their bites irritate the victims, they are often removed, and may have to visit many hosts to get enough blood. This behavior means that they can carry disease-causing organisms from one host to another.

The female's mouth is a common pelleted form and consists of a bunch of six chitinous stylet which, along with the fleshy labium folds, forms the trunk. On both sides there are two maxillary palps. When an insect landed in an animal, it grasped the surface with its clawed feet, the labium was pulled back, its head pushed down and pieces slashed into the flesh. Some of them have sawmill edges and muscles can move them from side to side to enlarge the wound. Saliva containing anticoagulants is injected into the wound to prevent clotting. The blood flowing from the wound is composed by other parts of the mouth that serve as a sponge. The bite of a horse fly can be painful for a day or more; Saliva can trigger allergic reactions such as itching and difficulty breathing. Tabanid bites can make life outdoors unpleasant to humans, and can reduce milk production in cows. They are attracted by the reflection of polarized water, making them a certain disturbance near the pool. Because tabanids prefer to be in the sun, they usually avoid shady places like barns, and are not active at night.

The pattern of attack varies with species; Clegs flies silently and prefers biting humans on the wrists or bare feet; large species Tabanus buzzing loudly, flying low, and biting the ankle, leg, or back of the knee; Chrysops flies slightly higher, biting the back of the neck, and has a high buzzing tone. Striped zebra straws may have evolved to reduce their appeal to horse-flies and tsetse flies from either hiding a plain dark or plain white. The closer the lines, the less the flies are visually attracted; zebra legs have very fine striping, and this is the shaded part of the body most likely to be bitten in other unmarked equist. This does not preclude the possibility of using lines for other purposes such as signaling or camouflage.

Predators and parasites

Horse-fly eggs are often attacked by small parasitic wasps, and larvae are consumed by birds, as well as surrounded by tachinid flies, fungi, and nematodes. Adult horse flies are eaten by common predators like birds, and some special predators, such as the horseman bee (a bembicinid bee), also specially attacked the horse fly, catching them to provide their nests.


Mating often occurs in herds, generally in landmarks such as hilltops. The season, time, and type of landmarks used for special weddings for a particular species.

Eggs are placed on rocks or vegetation near water, in groups of up to 1000, especially in aquatic plants that appear. White eggs at first, but dark with age. They hatch after about six days, with the emergence of larvae using a special hatching spike to open the egg case. The larva falls into the water or into the moist soil below. Chrysops species thrive in a very wet location, while species Tabanus selects a drier place. Larvae are maggots without feet, tapering at both ends. They have small heads and 11 or 13 segments, and molt six to 13 times over a year or so. In moderate species, larvae have periods of silence during the winter (diapause), whereas tropical species multiply several times a year. In most species, they are white, but in some species, they are greenish or brownish, and they often have dark bands in each segment. Siphon breathing on the back end allows the larvae to get air when submerged in water. The larvae of almost all species are carnivorous, often cannibal in captivity, and consuming worms, insect larvae, and arthropods. Larvae can be parasitized by nematodes, flies from the families of Bombyliidae and Tachinidae, and Hymenoptera in the Pteromalidae family. When fully developed, the larvae migrate to the drier soil near the surface to the cocoon.

The cocoon is brown and shiny, rounded at the head, and tapered at the other end. Wings and buds can be seen and each segment of the stomach is limited by short spines. After about two weeks, the metamorphosis is complete, the pupa shells divide along the thorax, and adult flies appear. Men usually appear first, but when both sexes have appeared, the marriage takes place, the courtship begins in the air and ends on the ground. Women need to eat blood before depositing their egg mass.

As a disease vector

Tabanids are known as vectors for several bacterial diseases, viruses, protozoa, and blood worms transmitted through mammals, such as the infectious anemia virus and various Trypanosoma species that cause disease in animals and humans. The species of the genus Chrysops transmits the parasitic filarial worms of Loa loa among humans, and tabanids are known to deliver anthrax between cattle and sheep, and tularemia between rabbits and humans.

Blood loss is a common problem in some animals when large flies are abundant. Some animals have been known to lose up to 300 ml (11Ã, Ã, flÃ, oz; 10Ã, USÃ, flÃ, oz) of blood in one day to tabanid flies, a loss that can weaken or even kill them. Anecdotal reports about the bite of a horse fly causing fatal anaphylaxis in humans have been made, a very rare occurrence.


Controlling the horse fly is difficult. Malaise traps are most commonly used to catch them, and these can be modified using baits and attractants that include carbon dioxide or octenaol. Dark glossy balls hanging below those moving in the wind can also attract them and form a key part of the modified "Manitoba trap" that is most commonly used to trap and take a sample of Tabanidae. Livestock can be treated with poured pyrethroids that can repel flies, and adapt them to eartag or collar impregnated insecticides have some success in killing insects.

src: bugspray.com

Horse bites fly

Humans find horse snacks painful. Usually, a weal (localized skin) occurs around the site, and other symptoms may include urticaria (rash), dizziness, weakness, wheezing, and angioedema (temporary itchiness, pink or swelling occurring around the eyes or lips); some people have an allergic reaction. Site bites should be washed and cold compresses applied. Scratching the wound should be avoided and antihistamine preparations can be applied. In most cases, the symptoms subside within a few hours, but if the wound becomes infected, medical advice should be sought.

Horse Fly Control: Get Rid of Horse Flies in the House
src: cdn.orkin.com

In the literature

In Prometheus Bound , associated with the tragic playwright Athena Aeschylus, a seducer sent by Zeus Hera's wife chases and tortures Io's mistress, who has turned into a cow and is constantly monitored by a hundred eyes of the Argus herders : "Io: Ah! Hah! Again puncture, stabbing gadfly-sting! O earth, earth, hide, hollow shape - Argus - evil - a hundred eyes." William Shakespeare, inspired by Aeschylus, had Tom o'Bedlam in King Lear , "Who is deceived by the devil through fire and through fire, through ford and whirlpool, o'er swamp and quagmire", driven furiously because of the constant pursuit. In Antony and Cleopatra , Shakespeare likens Cleopatra's hasty departure from the battlefield of Actium to a cow being chased by an intruder: "A soft bell [gadfly] to him, like a cow in June/hooves sailing and flying ", where" June "may be offensive not only to the moon but also to the goddess Juno, who tortured Io, and the cow in turn might offend Io, who turned into a cow in Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Doctor and naturalist Thomas Muffet wrote that the horse fly "brought before him a very hard, rigid, and well-compressed sting, by which he struck through his Oxe hide; he was in a Fly-like fashion, and forced the animal out of fear of him only to stand on the stomach in water, or else to fight with wood, cool shades, and places where the wind blows. "The" Blue Tail Fly "on an eponymous song is probably a mourning mourning (Tabanus atratus >), tabanids with a common blue-black belly to the southeastern United States.

Robber fly Horse fly copy
src: www.easttennesseewildflowers.com

See also

  • List of UK soldierflies and allies
  • The use of DNA in forensic entomology

Hybomitra horse-fly close up - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Horse Flies: Control, Bites, & Extermination of Flies
src: www.pestworld.org

External links

Media related to Tabanidae on Wikimedia Commons
Data related to Tabanidae on Wikispecies

Source of the article : Wikipedia
