Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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Horse behavior Stock Photo: 40116044 - Alamy

The horse behavior is best understood from the view that horses are predators with well-developed fight-or-flight responses. Their first reaction to the threats often fled, although sometimes they stood on the ground and defended themselves or their offspring in cases where the flight was untenable, as when the foal would be threatened.

However, because of their physiological horse is also suitable for a number of tasks related to work and entertainment. Humans defused horses thousands of years ago, and they have been used by humans ever since. Through selective breeding, some horse races have been bred to be fairly benign, especially large scale horses. On the other hand, most races of horseback are developed for speed, agility, alertness, and endurance; building on the natural quality that extends from their wild ancestors.

The horse's instinct can be used for the benefit of humans to create bonds between humans and horses. These techniques vary, but are part of the horse training arts.

Video Horse behavior

Respons "fight-or-flight"

Horses evolved from small mammals whose survival depended on their ability to escape from predators. This survival mechanism still exists in modern domestic horses. Humans have removed many predators from domestic horse life; However, his first instinct when fear is escaping. If running is not possible, the horses try to bite, kick, attack or raise to protect themselves. Many patterns of horse's natural behavior, such as herd formation and social facilitation activities, are directly linked to their prey species.

The fight-or-flight response involves a nerve impulse that results in the secretion of hormones into the bloodstream. When a horse reacts to a threat, it may initially "freeze" in preparation for flight. The fight-or-flight reaction starts in the amygdala, which triggers a nerve response in the hypothalamus. The initial reaction is followed by activation of the pituitary gland and the secretion of the ACTH hormone. The adrenal glands are activated almost simultaneously and release epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) neurotransmitters. The release of chemical messengers produces the production of the hormone cortisol, which increases blood pressure and blood sugar, and suppresses the immune system. The catecholamine hormones, such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, facilitate immediate physical reactions associated with preparation for muscular muscular action. The result is a rapid rise in blood pressure, resulting in increased supply of oxygen and glucose for energy to the brain and skeletal muscles, the most vital organs a horse needs when escaping from perceived threats. However, increased supply of oxygen and glucose to these areas at the expense of flying organs is "unimportant", such as skin and abdominal organs.

Once the horse has escaped direct danger, the body is returned to a more "normal" state through the parasympathetic nervous system. This is triggered by the release of endorphins to the brain, and effectively reverses the noradrenaline effect - the metabolic rate, blood pressure and heart rate are all decreased and the increased oxygen and glucose supplied to the muscles and brain is returned to normal. It is also known as a "rest and digest" state.

Maps Horse behavior

As herd animals

Horses are very social herd animals that prefer to live in groups.

There is also a hierarchy of linear dominance in any group. They will form a "pecking order" for the purpose of determining which group members are directing others' behavior, eating and drinking first, and so on. This behavioral pattern also applies to their interrelationship with humans. A horse that respects humanity as a higher "group member" in the social order will behave in a more appropriate way to all humans than a horse that has been allowed to engage in dominant behavior over man.

Horses can form bonds of friendship not only with their own species, but with other animals as well, including humans. In fact, many pet horses will become anxious, flying, and unruly if they are isolated. Horses are kept in near complete isolation, especially in enclosed cages where they can not see other animals, may require stable companions such as cats, goats, or even small horses or donkeys, to give the company and reduce stress.

When anxiety over separation occurs when the horse is being handled by humans, the horse is described as a "herd". However, through proper training, horses learn to feel comfortable away from other horses, often because they learn to trust a human handler, essentially placing humans as the dominant member of the "group".

Social organization in the wild

The "herds" of wild and wild horses usually consist of several separate small "bands" that share the territory.

The band is a harem, usually consisting of one adult male, several females, their foals, and immature horses of both sexes, although it has been suggested that there may be one to five horses. Each band is led by a dominant horse (sometimes called "mare lead" or "mare horse"). Ribbons are usually small, containing between 3 and 35 animals. The band's composition changes when young animals are expelled from christmas bands and join other bands, or as horses challenge each other for dominance.

In the herd, there is usually a "horse" or "lead" horse, though sometimes some less dominant males may remain on the fringe of the group.

Hierarchical structure

Horses have evolved to live in herds. Like many animals that live in large groups, the establishment of a stable hierarchical system or "pecking order" is important to reduce aggression and increase group cohesion. This is often, but not always, a linear system. In a non-linear hierarchy, horse A can be more dominant than horse B, dominant on horse C, but horse C may be more dominant than horse A. Domination can depend on a variety of factors, including the individual's need for a particular horse's resources. time given. It can therefore vary throughout the life of herds or individual animals. Some horses may be dominant over all resources and others may be subject to all resources.

Once a hierarchy of dominance is established, horses are more often than not going to travel in rank order.

The risk of aggressive interaction causes injury. Therefore, once the hierarchy of dominance is established, aggresive behavior decreases among group members. Higher-ranking animals will often take on the role of exercising control and moderating aggressive behavior in groups.

The herd center offers the most protection from the elements and further away from the predator than the periphery. Because of this, the "punishment" of rogue members is often conveyed in the form of temporary evictions from the flock, or sometimes permanently.

Most young horses in the wild are allowed to live with flocks until they reach full sexual maturity, usually in the first or second year. Studies of wild animals have shown that stallions will usually expel colts and fillies; this may be an instinct that prevents inbreeding. The fillies usually join other bands shortly thereafter, and horses driven from some herds usually join together in small groups of "bachelors" until they are able to build dominance over older horses in other flocks.

The role of lead mare

Contrary to popular belief, horse herds are not the "rulers" of the female harem, although they are usually involved in herding and protecting behavior. Conversely, horses who tend to lead wild or wild herds often become dominant mares. The horse "guides the herd to food and water, controls the daily routine and movement of the herd, and ensures the common welfare of the herd."

An alternative theory has recently argued that there is "distributed leadership", and no one is the leader of the universal herd. A 2014 study of horses in Italy, described as "wild" by researchers, observes that some group movements can be started by every individual, although higher-ranking members are more often followed by other flock members.

The role of the stallion

Male horses tend to be on the outskirts of flocks where they are against predators and other males. When the herd travels, the stallion is usually in the back and seems to push the flock members flocking forward, keeping the herds together. Mares and men with lower rankings are usually not involved in this herding behavior. During the breeding season, the stallions tend to act more aggressively to keep the horse in the herd, but, most of the time, the horse is relaxed and spends a lot of time "keeping" the cattle herd by marking the pile of manure and the urinal. to communicate his dominance as a stallion.

The ratio of stallions and horses

Wild and wild bands can range from two to 25 individuals, mostly horses and their offspring, with one to five horses.

Domesticated manly horses, with human management, often mate with ("cover") more horses in a year than is possible in the wild. Traditionally, rigidly controlled breeding farms restrict horses to breeding between 40 and 60 horses per year. By cultivating horses only at the peak of their estrus cycles, some old stallions have mated with over 200 horses per year. By using artificial insemination, a male stall has the potential to protect thousands of children each year, although in practice, economic considerations usually limit the number of foals produced.

Confidential horse behavior

Some breeders keep horses in semi-natural conditions, with a single stallion among a group of horses. This is referred to as "grassland glorification." Adult male horses are kept in separate "bachelor flocks". Although this has the advantage of a less intensive workforce for human caregivers, and the full-time turnout may be psychologically sound for horses, grassland procurement presents the risk of injury to valuable breeding, both stallions and mares, especially when animals unknown added to flock. It also raises the question of when or whether the mare is raised, and may also ask questions about the offspring of the horse. Therefore, raising horses in natural flocks is uncommon, especially on breeding farms that wed some horses to horses from other flocks. Natural flocks are more often kept on farms with enclosed herds, ie only one or several horses with stable horse herds and some, if any, horses from other flocks.

Adult and benign males are usually kept alone in stable or small cages. When stallions are staged in a way that allows visual and tactile communication, they will often challenge each other and sometimes try to resist. Therefore, stallions are often kept isolated from each other to reduce the risk of injury and disturbance throughout the enclosure. If horses are given access to paddocks, there are often corridors between paddocks so horses can not touch each other. In some cases, stallions are released for practice at different times each day to ensure they do not see or hear each other.

To avoid the bad qualities that are stable associated with isolation, some horses are provided with non-horse friends, such as castrated donkeys or goats (Arab Godolphin people love cage cages). While many stallions become too aggressive to tolerate the presence of near other stallions without fighting, some tolerate the noble as a companion, especially those with a very calm temperament. One example of this is Seabiscuit Seabird, who lives with a dear friend named "Pumpkin". Other male horses can tolerate the close presence of an immature and less dominant stallion.

Male horses and mares often compete together in horse and horse events, but stallions should generally be kept away from close contact with horses, either to avoid unintentional or unplanned marriages, and away from other stallions to minimize the battle for dominance. When horses are lined up for award presentation at events, the handler maintains a horse at least one horse from another animal. Male horses can be taught to ignore horses or other horses that are nearby while they are working.

Male horses live peacefully in bachelor swarms in the wild and in natural management environments. For example, horses in the New Forest (UK) live in a bunch of bachelors in their winter pasture. When administered as pets, some farms state that social care benefits are carefully managed. Well maintained horses that are meant to be stored together for a long time may remain close together, although this stabilizer method is generally used only by experienced stable managers. An example of this is the horses from the Spanish Equestrian School, which travels, trains and stands at close range. In this setting, more dominant animals are kept apart by stabilizing young stallions or less dominant in cages between them.

Domination in herds of cattle

Since horse domestication usually requires stallions to be isolated from other horses, horses or geldings can become dominant in domestic herds. Usually dominance in these cases is a matter of age and, to some extent, temperament. It is common for older animals to become dominant, even if the old and weak animals can lose their rank in the herd. There is also research showing that foals will "inherit" or possibly imprint on the dominance behavior of the dam, and at maturity seek to obtain the same rank in the next group that the parent holds when the horse is young.

The study of cultivated horses suggests that horses seem to benefit from the presence of strong females in the herd. Grouping all geldings, or herds where the dominant kebiri over the rest of the herd; for example if the mare in the group is quite young or low status, may be more anxious as a group and less relaxed than where the mare is dominant.

Reading Horse Behavior - YouTube


Horses communicate in various ways, including vocalizations such as touching, screaming or braying; touch, through makeup or nuzzling; smell; and body language. Horses use a combination of ear position, neck and head height, movement, and stomping feet or swinging tails to communicate. Discipline is maintained in the first horse herd through body language and gestures, then, if necessary, through physical contact such as biting, kicking, pushing, or other means to force members of comrades who behave badly to move. In most cases, the animal that succeeds in causing the other person to move is dominant, whether it is just using body language or adding to physical reinforcement.

Horses can interpret the body language of other beings, including humans, whom they see as predators. If socialized to human contact, horses usually respond to humans as a non-threatening predator. Humans do not always understand this, however, and may behave in a way, especially if using aggressive discipline, which resembles predators attacking and triggering a horse's fight-or-flight response. On the other hand, some humans show fear to horses, and horses can interpret this behavior as human surrender to the authority of the horse, placing humans in subordinate roles in the minds of horses. This can cause horses to behave in a more dominant and aggressive manner. Human handlers are more successful if they learn to correctly interpret horse body language and are angry with their own responses. Some horse training methods explicitly instruct horse handlers to behave in ways that horses will interpret as the leader's behavior is believed in the herd and thus more willing to obey the orders of a human handler. Another method encourages operant conditioning to teach the horse to respond in the desired way to human body language, but also teaches the handler to recognize the meaning of horse body language.

Horses are not very vocal, but have four basic vocalizations: neighing or whining, nicknames, screams, and snorting. They may also often sigh, snort, or moan.

The ear position is often one of the most obvious behaviors that human beings consider when interpreting horse body language. In general, a horse will direct the ear pin toward the input source it also sees. Horses have narrow binocular vision spans, and thus horses with both advanced ears generally concentrate on something in front of it. Similarly, when a horse turns both ears forward, the level of tension in the horse pinna indicates if the animal is calmly watching around or tensely observing the potential danger. However, since the horse has strong monocular vision, it is possible for the horse to position one ear forward and one ear backwards, showing the same shared divine attention. This behavior is often observed in horses while working with humans, where they need to simultaneously focus on the handler and their environment. A horse can change the pinna back when also see something appearing behind it.

Because of the nature of the horses' vision, the position of the head can indicate where the animal is focusing attention. To focus on a distant object, a horse will raise its head. To focus on a close object, and especially on the ground, the horse will lower its nose and shoulder its head in a near-vertical position. The eyes roll over to the point that the white eye is seen often showing fear or anger.

The position of the ears, head height, and body language may change to reflect an emotional state as well. For example, the clearest signal the horse sends is when both ears are flattened tightly to the back of the head, sometimes with eyes rolling so that white eyes show, often showing pain or anger, often showing aggressive behavior that will follow soon. Sometimes the ear is laid back, especially when accompanied by a very swinging tail or stomping or scavenging with the feet is a signal used by a horse to express discomfort, irritation, impatience, or anxiety. However, horses with ears slightly look back but in a loose position, may be sleepy, bored, tired, or just relaxed. When the horse lifts its head and neck, the animal is alert and often tense. The lowered head and neck may be a sign of relaxation, but depending on other behaviors may also indicate fatigue or illness.

The tail movement can also be a form of communication. Swinging a little tail is often a tool to repel bitten insects or other skin irritations. However, aggressive tailed tail may indicate irritation, pain or anger. Tails tucked tightly on the body may indicate discomfort due to cold or, in some cases, pain. Horses can show tension or excitement by raising their tails, but also by burning them, snorting, and attentively focusing their eyes and ears on the source of anxiety.

Horses do not use their mouths to communicate to levels that use their ears and tail, but some mouth movements have meaning beyond eating, grooming, or biting because of irritation. Toothed teeth, as mentioned above, are an expression of anger and an effort that will soon bite. Horses, especially foals, occasionally show a more aggressive gesture of members of the flock by extending their necks and grinding their teeth. Horses make a chewing motion without food in the mouth performing as a soothing mechanism, possibly related to the release of tension, although some horse trainers see it as an expression of self-surrender. Horses will sometimes lengthen their upper lip when scratched in a very good place, and if their mouth touches something at that moment, their lips and teeth can move in a mutual movement. A very relaxed horse or sleep may have lower lower lip and a chin that can widen further than the upper lip. The curved response on the lips, mentioned above, is most often seen in a stallion, but is usually a response to the smell of other horse's urine, and can be exhibited by any sex horse. Horses also have various mouth movements that are responsive to little or rider hands, some show relaxation and acceptance, others show tension or resistance.

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Stallion and Mare reproductive Behavior and Signaling

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The horse reproduction behavior is interesting because these animals have been domesticated but their breeding behavior has not changed. Mean, they show the same signs in the heat and the same signal to the horse that they will be in the wild or at the nursery facility. Mares are animals that have polyestrous which means that they bike during long daylight (spring & summer) and they go to anesthesia period when the days are short (autumn & winter). The Estrus cycle can be manipulated so horses can be bred in the winter and early spring if necessary. This can be done with hormone injections and mild manipulation. Estrus Cycle on the last horse 21 days. During each breeding season, the horse has a 3 to 4 cyclic interval in which they receive a stallion. (Sertich, 2018) It is important to remember that the estrus mares cycle is similar to humans. It has many variables based on horse and also breed. Estug estares last five to seven days before mare enters the anestrus again. To be most successful with horse breeding, it is important to breed as a fertile horse and to examine various aspects of horses such as BCS (body condition score), age, whether he has had a previous foal (horse girl can be difficult to breed and test the heat for), and check the medical condition and the records as a whole. It is also important to remember that the estrus and response cycle may differ depending on whether the mare is a girl (a mare who has never sweated), an experienced seasoned horse (frozen before), a stinging horse (a mare still have a foal that releases itself), as well as stress and if they are already pregnant can play a role in the signs of estrus.

Receptive Behavior

Mares have different behaviors when they are in heat even if the horse is not there. Mares will show many different signs that they are in heat like "anxiety, hyperactivity, less time spent on eating and resting, and more time" running the fence. (Griffin, 2013) The more obvious signs of estrus are the mare.You will often urinate when they stand in a limited position.The most accurate way to tell if your mare shows the signs of estrus is they will do something called "winking." (Griffin, 2013) "Winking", is a movement made by horses with their clitoris, where it opens and closes believed to be released a type of pheromone response to communicate with horses that they are in the heat. time to make sure that the horse is in the heat before putting them along with the horse to breed or to their AI, they will use the stallion to capture this different behavior.Here is a different behavior in the estrus given by the horse to be able to say that he is in hot state: "0- Rejection of the presence of a horse (ear pinned, kicking, bi ting, or scavenging stallion) or lack of interest in k uda males. 1-Not aggressive against horses, but turned away or not interested. 2-Shows an interest in facial expression and may approach a horse; slow to show interest. Mare may raise a tail or show some winks (eversi labia vulva). Mare may show these signs in the distance, or near a stallion. 3-More interested in horses as shown through facial expressions, tail maintenance, pelvic flexion (posturing), winks, and urination. 4-Intens flower stallion as shown by bending the hind legs to him, leaning towards him, and showing continuous flashes and urination. "(Sellnow, 2001)

Horse detection to dampen reception

Male horses have their own way of detecting horses in the heat. They also have a unique way of showing and communicating with horses to show that they are willing to breed. All horses use the Flehmen response, however, this is most common in males. When the mare is in estrus, the horse can use or show this response several times in an hour. Sex pheromones are the most common reason for getting such responses, however, they are not the only signals. (Biles, 2001). The stallion will be alert, anxious, and aroused when seeing a horse in the heat. He can also be hyperactive and impatient and this is where handling breeding stallions can be dangerous for his handlers. (Griffin, 2013). He can also be dangerous for stallions and other horses, which is why in the wild there is usually only one horse in a herd of horses. Horses and horses can also communicate with each other vocally through different vocalizations of neighing and braying. It is important to remember that the stallion can be a habit creature, and certain behaviors/interactions with the handler show the stallion that they are ready to breed the recipe horse. This behavior includes the presence of a stud chain or lip chain. This behavior arouses the stallion and makes them ready for reproduction. The main thing to remember in horse behavior is that they respond to the smell and vocalization of the horses.

Stallion and Mare physical communication

The exchange between horses and horses before the breed has many different aspects. The ultimate goal is to ensure the mare is willing to accept a stallion and ensure that he will not get hurt. Sometimes the mare can become very aggressive if they do not want to be mated and that can result in severe injuries to the stallion and even on certain accounts may cause him to no longer fertile. For example, there are many accounts where horses attempt to breed unreceptive horses and in the process of losing their eyes or suffering severe leg injuries, sometimes leading to the breaking of limbs. When a mare is willing to be raised, she will walk to the horse with attention and very passive towards the presence of a stallion. He will also start leaning toward the horse, lifting his tail, and he even pee in front of the stallion once again pulling the pheromone. During the estrus period when a mare and a stallion are put together, the horse may dredge, sniff, and even lick a stallion to show interest and that he accepts it. It's as if they are 'teasing' each other. He will also take the position of laying in front of the stallion. In return, the horse will push the horse to tell him that he is ready. Also, "In addition to nudging, some horses can smell and bite the body of a mare.Most behaviorists consider this display to be more important in courtship than odor recognition." (Griffin, 2013). Physical communication between the horse and the horse is the last moment for a good mare to know that it accepts or not before the horse rides.


Biles, D. B. (2001, January 23). Flehmen Response to Horse. Retrieved from

Sertich, P. L. (n.d.). Reproductive Cycle in Horses - Management and Nutrition. Retrieved from

Horse Breeding Behavior. (2013, July 03). Retrieved from

Sellnow, L. (2001, October 08). Flirting Mares. Retrieved from

Stallion Behavior. (1998, September 1). Retrieved from

A712 Reproduction - Estrous Cycle and Teasing. (n.d.). Retrieved from McDonnell, S. M. (n.d.). Reproductive Behavior of Stallion and Mare: Comparison of cultivation in hands free and domestic. Retrieved from

Observing Stallion & Herd Behavior - Learning To Think Like A ...

Horses and humans

Horses are creatures of habit and have excellent long-term memory, which makes consistent training very important for horses. Untrained horse, even with the upper blood line, can be purchased with relatively little money compared to those who have the training. After the horse starts under the saddle and shows that the horse can be trained, can be helped and has some athletic talent for the job, the price easily triples.

Humans are usually seen by wild horses as potential predators. However, horses are also naturally curious and may investigate any interesting but non-threatening creature.

Every pet horse with some human experience usually sees people as the object of innocuous curiosity, at least a small notice, especially if they know that humans can bring food or food. It is rare for domestic horses to become completely malignant unless it has been spoiled or misused by humans, although many stallions have many aggressive, natural dominant behaviors that require them to be managed only by knowledgeable handlers. However, any horse is a large animal that retains its wild instinct, so it can react unexpectedly by running, biting, attacking, or kicking. Thus humans should always be wary around horses because they can inadvertently harm people.

The human ability to cooperate with horses is based on the natural curiosity of horses and the strong social ties that horses have with each other. Horses do not like to be separated from their flock, because alone must be exposed to predators on all sides. Also, in herds, the less dominant horses tend to gravitate toward the most mature and confident members. Therefore, many of the principles of horse training are based on having a horse accepting human beings as a member of the dominant herd. Ideally this is not done by force, but by horses it develops confidence in human capabilities and the belief that humans will become "responsible shepherd leaders".

Horses are also customizable to cover a large number of areas and must have certain courage to do so. A horse that fears more than is necessary will waste its energy in vain and then may not be able to escape when the threat is real. Thus, the horse has the ability to investigate the unusual and not immediately run away from something just different.

Willingness to consider new things can also be used by human trainers to adapt horse behavior to extraordinary activities that are beyond the reach of the horse's instinctive behavior, including actions considered naturally harmful by average horses such as bullfights, jumping from cliffs , diving into the water, jumping through a fire ring, or walking into a modern television studio, complete with enclosed spaces, bright lights, and incredible sounds.

People who train horses must first teach them that some normal flock behavior is inappropriate around humans. For example, biting and "shadow boxing" (raising, attacking) that is common among young horses, colts in particular, can be detrimental or fatal to people. Other instinctive features, such as escaping when fear, banging anything that landed on a horse's back (like a mountain lion or other predator), or never entering a small enclosed area, must also be overcome before the horse is useful to humans..

Even when trained, most horses will still test the limit, at least a little, and some horses with dominant personalities will openly challenge the weak or inexperienced handlers. For example, if handled with disability or abuse, a horse can ignore its training and try to bite, bite, kick, refuse to be led, or try other ways to challenge human dominance. Without consistent handling, some horses, especially the young ones, will return to the way they are untrained. However, because of their good memories, horses with solid training from trustworthy handlers often retain what they have learned, even after an interval of years.

McDonnell to Discuss Horse Behavior during Free Lecture â€

Sleep pattern

Horses can sleep while standing and lying down. They can sleep soundly and enter a light sleep while standing, the adaptation of life as a prey animal in the wild. Lying makes animals more susceptible to predators. Horses can sleep while standing because the "living equipment" in their feet allows them to relax their muscles and sleep without fainting. On the forelegs, the anatomy of their horse's front legs automatically involves the means of dwelling when their muscles are relaxed. The horse involves the equipment staying behind the leg by shifting the position of his hips to lock the patella in place. In rigid joints, the "hook" structure at the lower end of the inner thigh bone of the patella and the medial patellar ligament, prevents the arched legs.

Horses do not require solid sleep without breaking. They get the sleep required by many short rest periods. This is expected from predatory animals, which must be ready at that time to escape from predators. Horses can spend four to fifteen hours a day standing rested, and from a few minutes to several hours lying down. However, not so long is the horse asleep; total sleep time in a day can range from a few minutes to two hours. Horses need about two and a half hours of sleep, on average, in a 24-hour period. Most of this sleep occurs in short intervals of about 15 minutes each. This short sleep period consists of five minutes of slow wave sleep, followed by five minutes of rapid eye-motion sleep (REM) and then five minutes of slow wave sleep.

Horses have to lie down to reach REM sleep. They only need to lie down for an hour or two every few days to meet their minimum REM sleep requirements. However, if a horse is never allowed to lie down, after a few days it will be sleep deprived, and in rare cases it can suddenly collapse by slipping into REM sleep while still standing. This condition is different from narcolepsy, which horses may suffer.

Horse sleeps better when grouped because some animals will sleep while others are on the lookout to watch the predators. A fully guarded horse may not be able to sleep soundly because its instinct must constantly seek danger.

How to Handle Aggressive Horse Behavior and Rearin - YouTube


Horses have strong grass-eating instincts, preferring to spend most hours of the day eating food. Horses and other equids evolved as grazing animals, adapting to eating small amounts of the same type of food throughout the day. In the wild, horses adapt to pasture grass feeding in semi-arid regions and travel significant distances daily to get adequate nutrition. Thus, they are "rat-eater", meaning they must have an almost constant supply of food to keep their digestive system functioning properly. Horses can become anxious or stressed if there is a long period of time between meals. When stabled, they do their best when they are given a regular schedule; they are creatures of habit and irritable by routine changes. When horses are in a herd, their behavior is hierarchical; animals with higher rankings in the feeding and drinking group first. Low-status animals, who last ate, may not get enough food, and if there is only a small amount of food available, higher-level horses can keep a lower rating from eating altogether.

Rider and Handler Effect on Horse Behavior â€

When constrained by a lack of companionship, exercise or stimulation, the horse can develop bad qualities are stable, various stereotypical compulsive disorder is considered a bad habit, mostly from psychology, which includes chewing wood, kicked the wall, "weave" (sway back and forth) and other issues.. It has been linked to a number of possible contributing factors, including lack of environmental stimulation and early weaning practices. Research is underway to investigate the neurobiological changes involved in the performance of this behavior.

Stallion Behavior & Horse Challenging Behavior - Safe or Smart ...

See also

  • Domestication horse
  • Equus (genus)
  • Glossary of terms
  • Horses
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Horse care
  • Horse training
  • Fires
  • Stable ugliness

Series Horse behavior listless Stock Photo: 40118915 - Alamy


Rider and Handler Effect on Horse Behavior â€


  • Budiansky, Stephen. "The Nature of Horses". Free Press , 1997. ISBNÃ, 0-684-82768-9
  • McCall C.A (Professor of Animal Science, Auburn University) in 2006, Understanding the behavior of your horse, Alabama Co-operative Extension System, Alabama, seen 21.10.13,
  • Shearman, Lindsay. Horses and Health: How Horses Make People Healthier . Jodhpurs Company . Retrieved June 29 2015 .

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External links

Media related to Horse behavior in Wikimedia Commons

Source of the article : Wikipedia
