Minggu, 24 Juni 2018

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Urination - human anatomy organs
src: www.medicalook.com

Urine is the release of urine from the bladder through the urethra to the outside of the body. This is a form of urinary tract excretion. It is also known medically as urinate , urinate , uresis , or, rarely, emictions , and known languages daily by various names including urine , weeing , and piss .

In healthy humans (and many other animals) the process of urination is under voluntary control. In infants, some elderly individuals, and those with neurologic injury, urination may occur as reflexes. It is normal for adults to urinate up to seven times throughout the day.

In some animals, in addition to disposing of waste materials, urination can mark the territory or express submission. Physiologically, urination involves coordination between the central nervous system, autonomic, and somatic. The central brain that regulates urination includes a pontine urinary center, periaqueductal gray, and cerebral cortex. In placental mammals, urine is dried through the urinary meatus, opening of the urethra in the male penis or female vulva vestibule.

Video Urination

Anatomy and physiology

Anatomy of the bladder and outlet

The major organs involved in urination are the bladder and the urethra. The bladder plain muscle, known as detrusor, is innervated by the sympathetic nerve fibers of the lumbar spinal system and the parasympathetic fibers of the sacral spinal cord. The fibers in the pelvic nerve are the main afferent branches of the urinary reflex; the parasympathetic fibers to the bladder which are the excited efferent branches also run on these nerves. Part of the urethra is surrounded by a male or female external urethral sphincter, supplied by the somatic pudendal nerve derived from the umbilical cord, in an area called the Onuf nucleus.

The bundle of smooth muscle passes through one side of the urethra, and these fibers are sometimes called the internal urethral sphincter, although they do not surround the urethra. Further along the urethra is the skeletal muscular sphincter, the sphincter of the membranous urethra (external urethral sphincter). The bladder epithelium is called a transitional epithelium containing a dome-like superficial cell layer and several layers of benign cuboid cells underneath when evacuated. When the bladder completely swell the superficial cells become squamous (flat) and the stratification of the cuboid cells is reduced to provide lateral stretching.


The physiology of urination and the physiological basis of the disorder is a subject of much confusion, especially at the supraspinal level. Micturition is essentially a spinobulbospinal reflex that is facilitated and inhibited by higher brain centers such as pontine micturition centers and, like bowel movements, subject to voluntary facilitation and inhibition.

In healthy individuals, the lower urinary tract has two phases of discrete activity: the storage phase (or keeping), when urine is stored in the bladder; and the voiding phase, when urine is released through the urethra. The state of the reflex system depends on the conscious signal of the brain and the rate of ignition of the sensory fibers from the bladder and urethra. At low bladder volumes, low afferent shooting, resulting in excitation of outlets (sphincter and urethra), and bladder relaxation. At high bladder volumes, afferent firing increases, causing a conscious sensation of urine urge. When a person is ready to urinate, he consciously begins to urinate, causing the bladder to contract and the outlet to relax. The discharge continues until the bladder is completely empty, at which point the bladder relaxes and the outlet contracts to restart the storage. The muscles that control the microcyst are controlled by the autonomic and somatic nervous system. During the storage phase the internal urethral sphincter remains tense and the detrusor muscle is relaxed by sympathetic stimulation. During urination, parasympathetic stimulation causes the detrusor muscle to contract and the internal urethral sphincter relaxes. The external urethral sphincter (urethral sphincter) is under somatic control and is consciously relaxed during urination.

It is generally believed that in a baby, urination occurs unconsciously (as a reflex). However, the communication practice of removal suggests otherwise. The ability to voluntarily inhibit urination develops at 2-3 years of age, as control at higher levels of the central nervous system develops. In adults, the volume of urine in the bladder that usually begins a reflex contraction is about 300-400 milliliters (11-14Ã, Â ° impÃ, Â ° fl; 10-14Ã, Â ° flÃ, oz AS).

Storage phase

During storage, the bladder pressure remains low, due to the very high bladder nature. A bladder pressure plot (intravesika) against a fluid depressant in the bladder (called cystometrogram), will show a slight increase when the bladder is filled. This phenomenon is a manifestation of Laplace's law, which states that the pressure in the ball's viscus is equal to twice the tension of the wall divided by the radius. In the case of the bladder, the tension increases as the organ fills, but also the radius. Therefore, the pressure increases slightly until the organ is relatively full. Bladder bladder muscle has some inherent contractile activity; However, when the supply of the nerves is intact, the stretch receptors in the bladder wall initiate reflex contractions that have lower thresholds than the contractile contractual response of the muscle.

The potential action carried by the sensory neurons of the stretch receptor in the bladder wall runs into the sacral segment of the spinal cord through the pelvic nerve. Because of low bladder stretching during the storage phase, these afferent neurons light up at low frequencies. Low frequency afferent signals cause bladder relaxation by inhibiting parasympathetic preganglionic preganglionic neurons and exciting lumbar sympathetic preganglionic neurons. In contrast, afferent input causes sphincter contraction through excitation of Onuf nuclei, and contraction of the bladder and urethral neck through excitation of sympathetic preganglionic neurons.

Diuresis (urine production by the kidneys) occurs continuously, and when the bladder becomes full, afferent firing increases, but the microstructure reflex can be voluntarily impeded until it is appropriate to begin urination.

Voiding Phase

Voiding begins when a voluntary signal is sent from the brain to start urinating, and continues until the bladder is empty.

Afferent bladder signals rise into the spinal cord to periaqueductal gray, where they project both to the urinary pontine center and to the cerebellum. At a certain level of afferent activity, the conscious urge to cancel becomes difficult to ignore. After the voluntary signals have begun to be excreted, the neurons in the pontine micturition center fire maximally, causing the excitation of the sacral preganglionic neurons. The firing of these neurons causes the bladder wall to contract; as a result, suddenly, a sharp increase in intravesical pressure occurs. The pontine micturition also causes obstruction of the Onuf nucleus, which results in relaxation of the external urinary sphincter. When the external urine sphincter is released the urine is released from the bladder when the pressure is strong enough to force urine to flow out of the urethra. Micturition reflexes usually produce a series of bladder contractions.

The flow of urine through the urethra has an overall stimulating role in urination, which helps maintain urination until the bladder is empty.

After urination, the female urethra is partially emptied by gravity, with the help of the muscles. The remaining urine in the male urethra is secreted by some bulbospongiosus muscle contractions, and, by some men, the manual squeezes along the penis to dissipate the rest of the urine.

For land mammals of more than 1 kilogram, the duration of urination does not vary with body mass, which is spread around an average of 21 seconds (standard deviation of 13 seconds), despite the difference in 4 orders of magnitude (1000ÃÆ'â €) in the bladder volume. This is due to an increase in the length of the large animal's urethra, which strengthens the force of gravity (hence the flow rate), and increases the width of the urethra, which increases the flow rate. For smaller mammals, a different phenomenon occurs, where urine is dumped as droplets, and urinating in smaller mammals, such as rats and mice, can occur in less than a second. The recommended benefits of faster voiding are reduced predation risk (while urinating) and reduced risk of urinary tract infections.

Voluntary control

The mechanism by which the voluntary urination begins remains unresolved. One possibility is that the voluntary relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles causes sufficient downward pull on the detrusor muscle to initiate contractions. Another possibility is excitation or disinhibition of neurons at the center of the pontine micturition, which causes concurrent contraction of the bladder and relaxation of the sphincter.

There is an inhibition area for urination in the midbrain. After brainstem transection just above the punch, the threshold is lowered and less fill of the bladder is required to trigger it, whereas after transection at the top of the midbrain, the threshold for reflexes is essentially normal. There is another facilitation area in the posterior hypothalamus. In humans with superior frontal gyrus lesions, the urge to urinate is reduced and there is also difficulty in stopping the microcyst after it begins. However, animal stimulation experiments show that other cortical areas also affect the process.

The bladder can be made to contract with the voluntary facilitation of the spinal void reflex when it contains only a few milliliters of urine. Contraction of the abdominal muscles voluntarily aids the expulsion of urine by increasing the pressure applied to the bladder wall, but urination can begin without straining even when the bladder is nearly empty.

Voiding can also be consciously interrupted once initiated, through perineal muscle contraction. The external sphincter can be voluntarily contracted, which will prevent urine from passing through the urethra.

Experience urinate

The need for urination is experienced as an uncomfortable and full feeling. This is highly correlated with the fullness of the bladder. In many men, the feeling of needing to urinate can be felt at the base of the penis and bladder, though the full bladder-related nervous activity comes from the bladder itself, and can be felt there as well. In women the need to urinate is felt in the lower abdominal region when the bladder is full. When the bladder becomes too full, the sphincter muscles will unconsciously relax, allowing urine to flow from the bladder. The release of urine is experienced as a reduction in discomfort.


Clinical conditions

Many clinical conditions can cause disruption of normal urination, including:

  • Urinary incontinence, inability to withstand urine
    • Stress incontinence, incontinence as a result of external mechanical disturbance
    • Urgent incontinence, incontinence occurring as a result of an uncontrollable urge to urinate
    • Mix incontinence, a combination of two types of incontinence
  • Urinary retention, inability to start urination
  • Overactive bladder, strong urge to urinate, usually accompanied by detrusor overactivity
  • Interstitial cystitis, a condition characterized by urinary frequency, urgency, and pain
  • Prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland that can cause urinary frequency, urgency, and pain
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate enlargement that can cause urinary frequency, urgency, retention, and urine drip
  • Urinary tract infections, which can cause urinary frequency and dysuria
  • Polyuria, an abnormal urine production, is associated with, in particular, diabetes mellitus (types 1 and 2), and diabetes insipidus
  • Oliguria, low urine output, usually due to problems with upper urinary tract
  • Anuria refers to an urine output that is absent or virtually non-existent.
  • Syncope micturition, vasovagal response that can cause fainting.
  • Paruresis, inability to urinate in the presence of others, such as in public toilets.
  • Dissynergia of the bladder sphincter, the discoordination between the bladder and the external urethral sphincter as a result of a brain injury or spinal cord injury

Drugs that increase urination are called diuretics, whereas antidiuretic decreases urine production by the kidneys.

Experimental induced distractions

There are three main types of bladder dysfunction due to neural lesions: (1) type due to afferent nerve disorders of the bladder; (2) type due to afferent and efferent nerve disorders; and (3) type due to impaired facilitation pathways and inhibition down from the brain. In the three types of bladder contracts, but contractions are generally not enough to fully empty the viscous, and residual urine remaining in the bladder. Paruresis, also known as bladder syndrome, is an example of a bladder disorder of the brain that often causes total interruption until the person leaves the public area. Because these people may have difficulty urinating in the presence of others and consequently will avoid the use of urinal that borders directly with others. Alternatively, they can choose the privacy of the kiosk or just avoid the public toilets altogether.


When dorsal sacral roots are cut off in experimental animals or disturbed by diseases of dorsal roots such as dorsal tabes in humans, all contractions of the bladder reflex are removed. The bladder becomes distended, thin-walled, and hypotonic, but there is some contraction due to the intrinsic response of smooth muscle to stretch.


When the afferent and efferent nerves are destroyed, as they may be by tumors of the cauda equina or terminale phylum, the bladder is tender and distended for a while. Gradually, however, the "decentralized bladder" muscle becomes active, with many contraction waves that repel the urine dribel out of the urethra. The bladder becomes small and the bladder wall undergoes hypertrophy. The reason for the difference between a small hypertrophic bladder seen in this condition and a potent hypotonic bladder is seen when only the impaired afferent nerve is unknown. The hyperactive state of the previous condition shows the development of denatured hypersensitization although the disrupted neuron is preganglionic rather than postganglionic.

Spinal cord injury

During a spinal shock, the bladder feels soft and unresponsive. It becomes overfilled, and urine herds through the sphincter (overflow incontinence). After the spinal shock has passed, the auto-mediated voiding reflex automatically occurs, although there is no voluntary control and no inhibition or facilitation from the higher center. Some paralyzed patients train themselves to start urination by pinching or stroking their thighs, provoking a light mass reflex. In some cases, the urinary reflex becomes hyperactive. The capacity of the bladder is reduced and the walls become hypertrophied. This type of bladder is sometimes called a neurogenic bladder seizure. Hyperactive reflexes get worse, and may be caused by infection of the bladder wall.

Maps Urination


Because of the position in which the urethra exits the body, men and women often use different techniques to urinate.

Men urinate

Most men prefer to urinate while others prefer to urinate while sitting or squatting. Old men with enlarged prostate gland may benefit from sitting while in healthy men, no difference is found in the ability to urinate. To practice Muslim men, joking genital arrogance is also associated with proper hygiene requirements or awrah.

Women urinate

In human females, the urethra opens directly to the vulva. Therefore, urination can occur when sitting or squatting to defecate. It is also possible for women to urinate while standing, and when dressed. It is common for women in different parts of Africa to use this method when they urinate, just like women in Laos. Herodotus describes a similar custom in ancient Egypt. An alternative method for women to urinate is to use a tool known as a female urine to help.

Small child

General techniques used in many developing countries involve holding a child with a thigh, on the ground, facing outward, to urinate.

Urinating urine

The fetus defecates every hour and produces most of the amniotic fluid in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Amniotic fluid is then recycled by swallowing the fetus.

Urinate after an injury

Sometimes, if a man's penis is damaged or removed, or the female genitals/urinary tract is damaged, other urinary techniques should be used. Most often in such cases, the doctor will position the urethra to a location where urinating is still possible, usually in a position that will only promote urination while sitting/squatting, although permanent urinary catheters may be used in rare cases.

Alternative urinate

Sometimes the urine is done in a container such as a bottle, urinal, pot, or chamber pot (also known as gazunder). A container can be used so that urine can be checked for medical reasons or for a drug test, for bedridden patients, when no toilet is available, or no other possibility to urinate immediately.

Alternative solutions (for travel, reconnaissance, etc.) are special pockets containing absorbent materials that condense urine in seconds, making them comfortable and safe to store and dispose of later.

It is possible for both sexes to urinate into the bottle in an emergency. This technique can help children to pass secretly in the car and elsewhere without being seen by others.

□Why Does Diabetes Cause Frequent Urination - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Social and cultural aspects

Toilet training

Babies have little control over the socialization of urination in a tradition or family that does not communicate elimination and instead use diapers. Toilet training is a learning process to limit urination to socially agreed time and situations. As a result, young children sometimes suffer from nocturnal enuresis.


Socially more acceptable and more environmentally friendly for those who can, urinate in the toilet. Public toilets may have urinals, usually for men, although female urinals exist, designed for use in various ways.

Piss without facilities

The reception of urinating outdoors in public places other than in public urinal varies with the situation and with the habit. Potential losses include not liking the smell of urine, and some genital exposure. The latter can be unpleasant for the person who exposes them (decency, lack of privacy) and/or those who can see them; it can be avoided or reduced by going to a quiet place and/or facing a tree or wall if urinating stands, or when squatting, hiding the backs behind walls, bushes, or trees.

Portable toilets (port-a-potties) are often placed in outdoor situations where no facility is available immediately. It needs to be cleaned (cleaned) regularly. Urinating in heavily forested areas is generally harmless, actually saving water, and it can be forgiven for men (and rarely, girls) in certain situations as long as common sense is used. Examples (depending on circumstances) include activities such as camping, hiking, cross country running, rural fishing, amateur baseball, golf, etc.

A more developed and crowded place is, the more public urination is likely to be unpleasant. In the countryside, it is more acceptable than on the street in the city, where it may be a common offense. Often this is done after the consumption of alcoholic beverages, which leads to additional urine production as well as reduction of obstacles. One proposed way to inhibit public urination for drunkenness is Urilift, which is disguised as a normal manhole during the day but arises from the ground at night to provide public toilets for bar visitors.

In many places, public urination can be punished with fines, although the attitude varies widely by the state. In general, women tend to urinate in public rather than men. Depending on the culture, adult women, unlike men, are limited where they can urinate.

The 5th century BC historian, Herodotus, wrote of ancient Persian culture and highlighted the differences with the Greeks, noting that to urinate in the presence of others was forbidden among the Persians.

There is a popular belief in England, that it is legal for a man to urinate in public as long as it happens on the rear wheel of his vehicle and he has his right hand in the vehicle, but this is not true. Public urination is still more acceptable to men in the UK, although British cultural traditions themselves seem to find such practices inappropriate.

In Islamic toilet ethics, it is haram to urinate when facing Qiblah, or to reverse the back when urinating or defecating but the requirements of modesty for women make it impossible for women to escape without facilities. When the toilet is not available, women can escape in Laos, Russia and Mongolia in an emergency but remain completely unacceptable for women in India even when circumstances make this a highly desirable option.

Women generally need to urinate more often than men because they have smaller bladders. Refusing to urinate due to lack of facilities may increase urinary tract infections that can lead to more serious infections and, in rare situations, can cause kidney damage in women. Female urine is available to help women to urinate secretly, as well as to help them urinate while standing.

standing versus sitting or squat


In Western culture, standing position is considered by some to be superior and more masculine than the choice of sitting or squatting, and as a way to distinguish men from women. However, in public toilets without urinals and sometimes at home, men may be encouraged to use sitting position to reduce urine splashes.

A meta-analysis in this study showed that men with prostate enlargement were better in sitting position compared to standing position. The amount of residual urine in the bladder is significantly reduced, and there is a tendency toward a stronger flow and shorter urinary time. Combined, this reduces the risk of bladder stones and urinary tract infections. The same study shows that healthy men are not influenced by position, meaning that they can urinate in both positions.

A systematic meta-analysis review of the effect of urinary voiding positions found that in older men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, sitting position was superior to standing. Healthy men are not affected by urinary position.

A literature review found cultural differences in socially acceptable positions around the world to find many differences in favored positions: in the Middle East and Asia, squatting positions are more common, while in the Western world standing and sitting positions are more common.


Although it is rare in Western culture for women to stand while urinating, this practice becomes more common. Denise Decker, a nurse advocating for this practice, surveyed 600 women to find out how interested they were to have a female urinal to be used in a standing position, and the majority of respondents indicated a desire to have the facility.

A partial squat position (or "float") by women during urination is often done to avoid sitting on potentially contaminated toilet seats, although it may leave urine behind in the bladder. It can also cause a urine landing in the toilet seat.

Speaking of urination

In many societies and in many social classes, even mentioning the need to urinate is seen as a social offense, even though it is a universal necessity. Even today, many adults avoid saying that they need to urinate.

Many expressions exist, some are euphemistic and some are vulgar. For example, centuries ago the standard English word (both nouns or verbs, for products and activities) was "piss", but then "urine", previously associated with children, has become more common in public speech general. Since the elimination of body waste is, of necessity, the subject is discussed with toddlers during toilet training, other expressions deemed suitable for use by and with children exist, and some continue to be used by adults, such as "weeing", "weeing" -wee "," to tinkle "," potty ".

Other expressions include "spraying" and "taking a leak", and, especially by young people to urinate women outdoors, "popping squats", referring to the position that many women adopt in such circumstances. The national variation of English shows creativity. American English uses "to whiz". Australian English has created "I will take singing lessons from China", derived from the clanking voices of Chinese porcelain from the toilet bowl. English English uses "will see my aunt", "will see a man about a dog", "pierce", "spray shoe (someone)", as well as "have slashes", originating from Scottish terms for large splashes of liquid. One of the most common, though archaic, euphemisms in English English is "to spend a cent", references to a coin-operated money toilet, which is used (pre-decimation) to collect that amount.

Use in

Reference to urination is usually used in slang. Use in English includes:

  • Piss (someone) is off (to scold someone, alternatively, to go somewhere in a hurry)
  • Move! (to express humiliation, see above)
  • Piss down (to refer to heavy rain)
  • Urinary contest (ego-driven battle unproductive)
  • Pisshead (a vulgar way to name someone who is drinking too much alcohol)
  • Ant ant (unworthy people, in non-slang use this term refers to some ant species whose colony has a smell like urine)
  • Disappointing a flagpole (to take part in futile activities)
  • Disappointing to the wind (to act in a self-harmful way)
  • urinate (scatter or wasteful use)
  • Taking urine (taking freedom, absurdity, or mocking others)
  • Full of pee and vinegar (an excited or ambitious teen or young adult male)
  • "Piss up" (English expression for drink to get drunk)

Urination and sexual activity

Urolagnia is a tendency to gain sexual pleasure by seeing or thinking about urine or urination. As a paraphilia, urine can be consumed, or the person can bathe in it. Drinking urine is known as urofagia, although uraphagia refers to the consumption of urine regardless of whether the context is sexual. Pissing carelessly during intercourse is common, but rarely recognized. In one survey, 24% of women reported forced bowel movements during intercourse; in 66% of people with urination occur in penetration, while in 33% of urine leakage is limited to orgasm.

Female kobo may show urolagnia during sex; one woman will urinate while the other attaches to her nose in the river.

A male Patagonian mara, a rodent, will stand on his hind legs and urinate in the female ass, which the female can respond by spraying the urine jet back to the male face. The urine of a man is meant to expel another man from his partner while female urination is the rejection of the approaching male when he does not receive. Both rectal excrement and urination are more frequent during the mating season and are more often performed by men.

Male hedgehogs raise the female hedgehogs before mating, spraying urine at high speed.

Where Not to Urinate Publicly in NYC: The Interactive Map - ANIMAL
src: animalnewyork.com

Spesies lain

While the main goal of urination is the same throughout the animal kingdom, urination often serves social purposes beyond the expulsion of waste materials. In dogs and other animals, urination can mark the territory or express submission. In small rodents such as rats and mice, it marks a familiar path.

Different animal urine physiology or sex sometimes has different characteristics. For example, bird urine and reptiles are whitish, consisting of pastelike pasty-like uric acid suspensions, and discharged with animal waste through the cloaca, while mammalian water is yellowish, with most urea and not uric acid. , and discharged through the urethra, separate from the feces. Some animals' (eg 'carnivores') of urine have a strong odor, especially when used to mark territory or communicate in other ways.

The stall sometimes shows Flehmen's response by kissing the horse's urine in the heat. A stallion sometimes stinks marking the point of his urine to make his position as a clear stallion. The penis of a male male is protected by a veil when not in use for urination.

Ring-tailed lemurs have also been shown to mark using urine. Behaviorally, there is a distinction between regular urination, where the tail is slightly raised and the flow of urine is generated, and the behavior marks urine, where the tail is held on the screen and only a few drops of urine are used. The marking behavior of urine is commonly used by women to mark territory, and has been observed primarily on the edge of troop areas and in areas where other troops may be frequent. Urinary marking behavior is also most frequent during the breeding season, and may play a role in reproductive communication between groups. Some other primate species also use urine to mark the scent. The white-headed capuchin is sometimes involved in a practice known as "urine washing", in which the monkey rubs urine in his legs. Urine leaching, in which urine is rubbed on hands and feet, is also used by the Panamanian night monkeys. In some cases, strepsirrhines can also anoint urine.

Hyenas do not lift their legs as did kanids while urinating, because urination does not work territorially for them. In contrast, hyenas mark their territory using their anal glands, a trait found also in viverrid and mustelids, but not canida and felids. Unlike other female mammals, hyenas are seen as women of urination, copulation, and childbirth through an organ called pseudo-penis.

Dog-like mammals ( Canidae )

All canids (with the possibility of hole exceptions) use urine (combined with preputial gland secretions) to mark their territory. Many canida species, including wolf fox, cape fox, and gold wolf, use posture when urinating. Their urine smell is usually strongest in the winter, before the breeding season.

Domestic dogs mark their territory by urinating on vertical surfaces (usually at the nose level), sometimes marking the urine of other dogs. When one dog marks the urine of another dog, this is known as "tagging back" or "overmarking". Male dogs more often mark dogs than female dogs, usually starting after the beginning of sexual maturity. Male dogs, as well as wolves, occasionally lift their legs and try to urinate even when their bladder is empty - this is known as "foot-lifting", "shadow-pee", or "pseudo-pee". They usually mark their territory due to a new stimulus or social trigger in the dog environment, as well as because of anxiety. Marking behavior is present in both male and female dogs, and is mainly pronounced in male dogs that have not been neutered.

Instalation of stratified legs is the most significant form of scent marks on wolves, and most often around the breeding season. Wolves-signs of urine more often when they detect other wolf's aromas, or other canid species. Foot removal is more common in male wolves than in female wolves, although dominant females also use high-foot posture. Other types of signs of urine in the wolves are FLU (flexed urination), STU (standing urination), and SQU (squat squat). Wolves breeding pairs will sometimes urinate in the same place: this is known as a "double sign". Double marking is done by coyotes and wolves, and also by foxes.

Coyotes mark their territory by peeing in bushes, trees, or rocks. All male coyotes lift their legs while urinating. However, females sometimes also lift their feet, and males sometimes squat. The urine marking is also associated with a couple bond on the Coyote coyote sometimes urinating on their food, perhaps to claim ownership over it.

Red fox uses their urine to mark their territory. A male fox raises one hind leg and urine is sprayed forward in front of him, while the female fox squats down so that the urine is sprayed on the ground between the hind legs. Urine is also used to mark empty cache sites, as a reminder to not waste time investigating them. Red fox uses various postures to urinate, depending on where they leave a scent mark.

Like most other canids, male dogs lift their hind legs while urinating. However, female forest dogs use some sort of hand grip posture, which is less common in other canopies. When male bush dogs urinate, they make a spray instead of flow.

Both male and female male wolves use their urine to communicate, for example to mark their hunting trails, or places where they have buried hunting quarry. Urine has a very distinctive odor, which some people equate with jumps or marijuana. The substance responsible is very likely pyrazine, which occurs in both plants. (In the Rotterdam Zoo, this smell once set the police to hunt marijuana smokers.)

Cat ( Felidae )

In Felidae, male felids can urinate to the back with a curved penis tip to the back of the penis. The urine markers by felids are also known as "spray-urinate" or "spray-marking". To identify their territory, male tigers mark trees by spraying urine and anal glands, and marking traces with dirt. Males show a grimacing face, called Flehmen's response, when identifying the reproductive condition of women by sniffing their urine sign.

Lions use urine to mark their territory. They often rub the ground while urinating, and urine often flows in short sparks instead of continuously flowing. They often urinate in vegetation, or in tree trunks at least one meter. The male lion flushes 1-20 jets of urine at an angle of 20-30 degrees upwards, at a distance of up to 4 meters behind.

Male cheetahs mark their territory by urinating on objects that stand out, such as trees, wood, or termite mounds. The whole coalition contributes to the scent. The man will try to kill the intruder, and the fight produces serious injury or death. When cheetah men mark their territory, they stand a meter from a tree or stone surface with a raised tail, while steering the penis horizontally back or up. Cheetah urine odor (unlike other large felids) can not be easily detected by humans.

Black-footed cats use the scent to mark their entire range, with men spraying urine up to 12 times per hour.

Reasons of Frequent Urination in Men - Health Sutra - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

See also

  • The human position
  • Sanitation

Lagos goes tough on open urination, arrests five â€
src: guardian.ng


File:Urination.JPG - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Further reading

  • Young, S. P.; Jackson, H. H. T. (1978). The Clever Coyote . University of Nebraska Press. ISBNÃ, 0-8032-5893-3.
  • Mech, L. David; Boitani, Luigi (2003). Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Preservation . University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 0-226-51696-2.

What STDs Cause Frequent Urination? | STD.GOV Blog
src: www.std-gov.org

External links

Media related to Urine on Wikimedia Commons

  • Neurogenic Bladder in eMedicine, explain urinary neurophysiology
  • "Throat" on HowStuffWorks.com

Source of the article : Wikipedia
