Equine Nutrition is feeding horses, ponies, mules, donkeys, and other horses. Proper and balanced nutrition is an essential component of proper horse care.
Horses are a type of non-ruminant herbivore known as "hindgut fermenter." Horses have only one stomach, just like humans. However, unlike humans, they must also utilize plant fibers (mostly cellulose) derived from grass and straw. Animal ruminants such as cattle are foregut releases, and digest fibers in plant matter using a multi-chambered abdomen, while horses use microbial fermentation in the digestive system known as cecum (or cecum ) to break down cellulose.
In practical terms, horses prefer to eat small amounts of food continuously throughout the day, as they do in nature when grazing in pasture. While this is not always possible with modern stability practices and human schedules that support horse feeding twice a day, it is important to remember the underlying biology of the animal when determining what to feed, how often, and in what amount.
The horse's digestive system is rather complicated. Horses can not spit food, except from the esophagus. So, if they overeat or eat something poisonous, vomiting is not an option. They also have a long and complex colon and a favorable microbial balance in their caecum that can be disturbed by rapid changes in feed. Due to these factors, they are highly susceptible to colic, which is the leading cause of death in horses. Therefore, horses need a high quality clean feed, provided on a regular basis, and can become ill if they experience sudden changes in their diet. Horses are also sensitive to fungi and toxins. For this reason, they should not be fed contaminated fermentable materials such as grass clippings. Fermentation of silage or "haylage" is fed to horses in several places; However, the contamination or failure of the fermentation process that allows fungi or decay may be toxic.
Video Equine nutrition
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Horses and other members of the genus Equus are adapted by evolutionary biology to eat in small quantities of the same type of food throughout the day. In the wild, horses feed pasture grass in semi-dry areas and travel a significant distance daily to get enough nutrients. Therefore, their digestive system is made to work best with a small but steady stream of food that does not change much from day to day.
Chew and swallow
Digestion begins in the mouth. First, the animal chooses a piece of forage and takes on finer foods, such as grains, with sensitive, holding lips. The horse's front teeth, called the incisors, cut the fodder, and the food is milled to be swallowed by premolar teeth and molars.
The esophagus brings food to the stomach. The esophagus enters the stomach at an acute angle, creating a one-way valve, with a powerful sphincter mechanism at the gastroesophageal junction, which is why horses can not vomit. The esophagus is also an area of ​​the digestive tract where the horse may suffer from choking. ( see Diseases associated with improper feeding below )
Stomach and small intestine
Horses have a small belly for their size, which limits the amount of feed that can be taken at a time. Horses with average size have a stomach with a capacity of only 4 US gallons (15 liters), and work best when it contains about 2 gallons US (7.6 liters). One reason for continuous feeding or a few small meals per day is better than one or two large meals is because the stomach starts to empty when two-thirds is full, whether the food in the stomach is processed or not.
The small intestine is 50 to 70 feet (15 to 21 m) long and holds 10 gallons US (38 Ã, l) to 12 US gallons (45 l l). It is the main digestive organ in which 50 to 70 percent of all nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. Bile from the liver acts here, combined with the enzyme of the pancreas and the small intestine itself. Equids have no gallbladder, so bile flows continuously, adaptation to slow but steady food supply, and another reason to provide food for horses in several small feedings.
Sekum and colon
The cecum is the first part of the large intestine. It is also known as "water intestine" or "back stomach." It is a closed bag, about 4 feet long (1.2 m) that has 7 gallons of US (26 l l) to 8 US gallons (30 l l). The small intestine opens into the cecum, and the cellulose plant fibers in the food are fermented by microbes for about seven hours. The fermented material leaves the cecum through another hole and passes to the colon. The microbes in the cecum produce vitamin K, vitamin B complex, protein, and fatty acids. The reason horses should have their diet changed slowly is so that microbes in the cecum can modify and adapt to different chemical structures of new feed ingredients. Too sudden changes in the diet can cause colic, because the new ingredients are not digested appropriately.
Large colon, small colon, and rectum form the rest of the colon. The large colon has a length of 10 to 12 feet (3.0 to 3.7 m) and has up to 20 gallons of US (76 liters) of semi-liquid material. The ultimate goal is to absorb carbohydrates that are broken down from cellulose in cecum. Because of the many corners and turns, it is a common place for this type of colic horse called impaction. The small colon also has a length of 10 to 12 feet (3.0 to 3.7 m), has about 5 gallons of US (19 degrees), is an area where most of the water is absorbed, and where the fecal ball is formed. The rectum is about one foot long, and acts as a holding chamber for waste, which is then ejected from the body through the anus.
Maps Equine nutrition
Like all animals, horses require five main classes of nutrients to survive: water, energy (especially in the form of fats and carbohydrates), proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
Water consists of 62-68% horse weight and is very important for life. Horses can live only a few days without water, becoming highly dehydrated if they lose 8-10% of their body's natural water. Therefore, it is very important for horses to have access to clean, adequate, and adequate water supplies.
An average of 1,000 pounds (10,000 gallons) of 10 gallon US horsepower (38 liters) to 12 gallons US (45 liters) of water per day, more in hot weather, when eating dried fodder such as straw, or when consuming high levels of salt , potassium, and magnesium. Horses drink less water in cold weather or when in lush pastures, which have a higher water content. When under hard work, or if the horse is breastfeeding, the water requirement may be four times larger than normal. Although they needed a lot of water, the horse spent a little time drinking; usually 1-8 minutes a day, spread in 2-8 episodes.
Water plays an important role in digestion. Forage food and horse grains are mixed with saliva in the mouth to create a moist bolus that can be easily swallowed. Therefore, the horse produces up to 10 gallons US (38 liters) or 85 liters of saliva per day.
Nutrition and energy proteins
Nutritional energy sources are fat and carbohydrates. Protein is an important building block for muscles and other tissues. Horse that do a lot, grow, pregnant or breastfeeding require the increase of energy and protein in their food. However, if a horse has too much energy in its diet and not enough exercise, it can become overzealous and difficult to handle.
Fat is at a low level in plants and can be added to increase the energy density of the diet. Fat has 9 megacalori (38 MJ) per kilogram of energy, which is 2.25 times that of any carbohydrate source. Because equids do not have gallbladder to store large amounts of bile, which flows continuously from the liver directly to the small intestine, fat, although nutrients are needed, it is difficult for them to be digested and used in large quantities. However, they are able to digest more fat than livestock. Horses benefit up to 8% fat in their diet, but more do not always provide visible benefits. Horses can only have 15-20% fat in their diets without the risk of getting diarrhea.
Carbohydrates, the main energy source in most rations, are usually fed in the form of straw, grass, and grains. Dissolved carbohydrates such as starch and sugar are easily broken down into glucose in the small intestine and absorbed. Insoluble carbohydrates, such as fiber (cellulose), are not digested by the horse's own enzymes, but are fermented by microbes in the cecum and large intestine to break down and release their energy source, volatile fatty acids.
Soluble carbohydrates are found in almost every feed source; Corn has the highest amount, then barley and wheat. HMT usually only has 6-8% dissolved carbohydrates, but under certain conditions can have up to 30%. Sudden consumption of large amounts of starch or high sugar food can cause at least indigestion, and in the worst potentially fatal colitis or laminitis.
Proteins are used in all parts of the body, especially muscles, blood, hormones, nails, and hair cells. The main protein builder block is an amino acid. Alfalfa and other nuts in straw are a good source of protein that can easily be added to the diet. Most adult horses require only 8-10% protein in their diet; However, higher proteins are important for lactating mare and foals that grow young.
Vitamins and minerals
Horses who do not experience hard work or extreme conditions usually have more than enough amount of vitamins in their diet if they receive fresh, green, leafy tobacco. Sometimes vitamin supplements are required when feeding low-quality straw, if the horse is stressed (sick, traveling, showing, racing, etc.), or not eating well. Grains have a nutritional balance different from fodder, so it requires special supplements to prevent the imbalance of vitamins and minerals.
Minerals are required for the maintenance and function of skeletons, nerves, and muscles. These include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and chloride, and are commonly found in most good quality baits. Horses also need minerals such as magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc, and iodine. Usually, if the mature animals at the maintenance level consume fresh straw or in the pasture, they will receive an adequate amount of minerals in their diet, with the exception of sodium chloride (salt), which needs to be provided, preferably free choice. Some pastures lack certain minerals, including selenium, zinc, and copper, and in such situations, health problems, including deficiency diseases, can occur if the horse trace mineral intake is not properly equipped.
Calcium and phosphorus are required in specific ratios between 1: 1 and 2: 1. Adult horses can tolerate up to a 5: 1 ratio, foals of no more than 3: 1. Total rations with higher phosphorus ratios than calcium should be avoided. Over time, an imbalance will eventually lead to a number of bone-related problems such as osteoporosis.
Foals and horses that grow through the first three to four years have special nutritional needs and require a balanced diet with calcium ratio: phosphorus and other minerals. A number of bone problems can occur in young animals with an unbalanced diet. Hard work increases the need for minerals; sweat draining sodium, potassium, and chloride from the horse system. Therefore, supplementation with electrolytes may be necessary for horses in intensive training, especially in hot weather.
Feed type
Equids can consume about 2-2.5% of their body weight in dry food every day. Therefore, an adult horse weighing 1,000 pounds (450 kg) can eat up to 25 pounds (11 kg) of food. Children less than six months of age eat 2-4% of their body weight every day.
Solid food is placed into three categories: forage (such as grass and grass), concentrates (including seed rations or pellets), and supplements (such as vitamin or mineral pellets ready). Horse nutritionists recommend that 50% or more of animal diets based on weight should be foraging. If a horse works hard and needs more energy, the use of grain increases and the percentage of forage decreases so that the horse gets the energy required for the work it does. However, the amount of forage should not be below 1% of the horse's weight per day.
HMT, also known as "grass," is a plant material classified as legumes or grasses, found in grasslands or in straw. Often, the meadows and the straw fields will contain a mixture of grass and peas. Nutrients available in forages vary widely with grass maturity, fertilization, management, and environmental conditions. The grass is tolerant of many conditions and contains the most needed nutrients. Some of the commonly used grasses include timothy, brome, fescue, Bermuda beach, lawn gardens, and Kentucky bluegrass. Another type of feed that is sometimes reserved for horses is the pulp bits, the remaining byproducts of processing sugar bits, which are high in energy as well as fiber.
Legumes such as clover or alfalfa are usually higher in protein, calcium, and energy than grasses. However, they need warm weather and good soil to produce the best nutrition. Legume veins are generally higher in protein than grass. They are also higher in minerals, especially calcium, but have the wrong calcium to phosphorus ratio. Because they have a high protein, they are desirable to grow horses or those who work hard, but the calcium: phosphorus ratio must be balanced with other bait to prevent bone abnormalities.
Straw is a dry mixture of grass and peas. It is cut in the field and then dried and stored for storage. The straw is most nutritious when it is cut early, before the head of the seed is fully cooked and before the stems of the plant become hard and thick. A very green straw can be a good indicator of the amount of nutrients in straw; However, color is not the only indicator of quality - odors and textures are also important. Hay can be analyzed by many laboratories and it is the most reliable way to tell the nutritional value it contains.
Hay, especially alfalfa, is sometimes compacted into pellets or cubes. Processed straw can have a more consistent and more convenient quality to ship and store. It is also easily available in areas that may suffer from local hay deficiency. However, these more concentrated forms can become overfed and the horses are somewhat more vulnerable to choking. On the other hand, pellet and cube straw can be soaked until they break into a slurry or thick slurry, and in these circumstances is a very useful food source for horses with dental problems such as dental disease, dental teeth due to age, or structural anomalies.
Haylage , also known as Round bale silage is the name for grass sealed in an airtight plastic bag, a form of food often fed in the UK and continental Europe, but not often visible in the United States. Because haylage is a kind of silage, the straw stored in this mode must remain sealed in plastic, as any hole or tear can stop the preservation properties of fermentation and cause fungus or decay. Rodents that chew on plastic can also damage the straw contamination of the bale. If rodents die in plastic, the next released botulism toxin can contaminate the entire bale.
Sometimes, straw or husk is fed to animals. However, these are fibers with little nutritional value in addition to providing fiber. Sometimes used as fillers; it can slow horses that eat grains too quickly, or can provide additional fiber when the horse has to meet most of the nutritional needs through concentrated feed. Straw is more often used as a sleeping mat in a stall to absorb waste.
Whole grain or crushed is the most common form of concentrated feed, sometimes referred to generally as "wheat" or "corn" even if the grain does not exist, also sometimes called straight in England.
Oats are the most popular wheat for horses. Oats have lower digestible energy values ​​and higher fiber content than most other grains. They form a loose mass in the stomach that is suitable for the horse's digestive system. They are also better and easier to digest than other grains.
Corn (US), or maize (English English), is the second best grain. This gives energy twice as easily digested as the same volume of wheat and low in fiber. Because of these characteristics, it is easy to feed corn excessively, causing obesity, so horses rarely feed corn by themselves. Nutritionists warn the horse owners that moldy corn is poisonous if fed to a horse.
Barley is also fed to horses, but needs to be processed to break the seed shell and allow for easier digestion. It is often given a combination with wheat and corn, a mixture informally called the acronym "COB" (for Corn, Oats and Barley).
Wheat is generally not used as a concentrate. However, wheat bran is sometimes added to the horse diet for additional nutrients, usually moistened and in the form of bran mash. High phosphor grain bran, so it should be fed with caution so as not to cause an imbalance in Ca: P ratio of the ration. Having been praised for laxative effects, the use of this bran is now considered unnecessary, as horses, unlike humans, get enough fiber in their diet from other sources.
Mixes and Pellets
Many feed manufacturers combine a variety of grains and add supplements of additional vitamins and minerals to create a complete dipreixing feed that is easy for owners to feed and predictable nutritional quality. Some of these prepared feeds are produced in pellet form, others retain seeds in their original form. In many cases, molasses are used as a binder to withstand dust and to increase palatability. A grain mixture with extra molasses is usually called "sweet feed" in the United States and a "rough mix" in the UK. Pellet or extruded bait (sometimes called "beans" in the UK) may be easier to chew and produce less waste. Horses generally eat pellets as easy as grains. However, pellets are also more expensive, and even "complete" rations do not eliminate the need for forage.
Average modern horses on hay or good pastures with light work usually do not require supplements; however, horses with stress due to age, intensive athletic work, or reproduction may require additional nutrients. Extra fats and proteins are sometimes added to the horse diet, along with vitamin and mineral supplements. There are hundreds, if not thousands of vitamins and commercially prepared mineral supplements on the market, many are customized for horses with special needs.
Soy food is a common protein supplement, and averages about 44% crude protein. Protein in high quality soybean meal, with the right essential amino acid ration of food for the equids. Eating cottonseed, linseed food, and peanut meal is also used, but not as usual.
Feeding practices
Most horses require only quality animal feed, water, and salt or minerals. Wheat or other concentrates are often unnecessary. But, when grains or other concentrates are fed, the amount should be carefully monitored. To do so, horse feed is measured by weight, not volume. For example, 1 Â £ (0.45 kg) of wheat has a volume different from 1 Â £ (0.45 kg) of corn. When continuous access to feed is not possible, it is more consistent with natural eating behaviors to provide three small meals per day instead of one or two large ones. However, even two meals each day is better than just one. To measure the amount of feed, heavy bands can be used to give a fairly accurate estimation of horse weight. The tape measures the circumference of the horse's barrel, just behind the wilt and the elbow, and the tape is calibrated to turn the circumference into an approximate weight. Spillers Feeds, a specialist horse nutritionist, offers a feeding calculator to help with this process.
The actual amount given varies based on the size of the horse, the age of the horse, the climate, and the work the animal provides. In addition, genetic factors play a role. Some animals are naturally easy to maintain (good performers), which means that they can grow with less food and are prone to obesity and other health problems if eating too much. Others are hard workers (poor people), meaning they tend to be thinner and need more food to maintain a healthy weight.
Veterinarians are usually a good source for recommendations on the exact type and amount of feed for a particular horse. Animal nutritionists are also trained on how to develop horse rations and make recommendations. There are also many books written on this topic. Feed producers usually offer very specific guidelines on how to select and feed products correctly from their companies, and in the United States, the local office of the Cooperative Extension Service can provide educational materials and expert recommendations.
Feeding HMT
Equids always need forage. Whenever possible, a nutritionist recommends it available at all times, at least when doing so does not overeat the animals and cause obesity. It is safe to feed a ration that is 100% green (along with water and extra salt), and each feed ration should be at least 50% forage. Straws with alfalfa or other nuts have more concentrated nutrients and are fed in smaller amounts than straw grass, although many sharks have a mixture of both types of plants.
When the beetroot is fed, a ration of 2 Â £ (0.91 kg) to 5 pounds (2.3 kg) is usually soaked in water for 3 to 4 hours before eating to make it better, and to minimize the risk. choking and other problems. Usually soaked in the proportion of one part slurry of beet to two parts water. Beet porridge is usually given addition to straw, but sometimes it is a substitute for straw when fed to a very old horse that can no longer be chewed properly. These are available in the form of pellets and suwir, pellets should be significantly immersed longer than the shredded beetroot.
Some pellet rations are designed to be a "complete" feed containing straw and seeds, meeting all the nutritional needs of a horse. However, even this ration should have some dry grass or meadows provided, a minimum of half a pound of feed for every 100 pounds (45 kg) of horses, to keep the digestive system functioning properly and to meet the horse's drive to graze..
When horses graze under natural conditions, they can spend up to 18 hours per day to do so. However, in modern irrigated grasslands, they may have nutritional needs for feeding in just three hours per day, depending on the quality of the available grass.
The latest study discusses levels of various non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs), such as fructans, in forages. Overly high NSC levels cause difficulties for animals susceptible to laminitis or equine polysaccharide storage myopathy (EPSM). NSC can not be determined by looking forage, but dry grass and pasture can be tested for NSC levels.
Feeding concentrates
Concentrate, when fed, is recommended to be administered in an amount no more than 1% of horse weight per day, and preferably in two or more feedings. If a ration needs to contain a higher percent concentrate, such as a horse race, large grains such as oats should be used as much as possible; Loose feed mass helps prevent colic impaction. Peptic ulcers are associated with excessively high grain concentrations in foods, particularly those seen in modern pacing, where some studies show that ulcers affect up to 90% of all race horses.
In general, the portion of the rations that should be grains or other concentrated feed is 0-10% of the grain for adult horses; between 20-70% for horses at work, depending on age, activity intensity, and energy requirements. Concentrate should not be fed horse in an hour before or after strenuous exercise. Concentrates also need to be adjusted to the level of performance. Not only is excessive grain and inadequate exercise can cause behavior problems, it can also lead to serious health problems that include Equine Exertional Rhabdomyolysis, or "binding" on horses that are susceptible to the condition. Another possible risk is the various forms of horse colic. A relatively uncommon concern, but usually fatal is colitis-X, which may be triggered by excess protein and a lack of food in the diet that allows for the clostridial organism's propagation, and is aggravated by stress.
Access to water
Horses usually require free access to all the fresh clean water they want, and to avoid dehydration, should not be stored out of water for more than four hours at a time. However, water may need to be temporarily restricted when the horse is very hot after heavy exercise. As long as the hot horse continues to work, it can drink its contents periodically, provided common sense is used and the overheated horse is not forced to drink from a very cold source of water. But when the exercise is over, the horse should be cooled and run for 30-90 minutes before it can be allowed all the desired water at one time. However, dehydration is also a concern, so some water needs to be offered during the cooling process. A hot horse will be completely rehydrated when it cools down if offered several times swallowing water every three to five minutes while walking. Sometimes the thirst mechanism does not immediately kick in following the strenuous exercise, which is another reason to offer periodic water filling during the cooling period.
Even slightly dehydrated horses are at higher risk of colicky impaction. In addition, dehydration can cause weight loss because horses can not produce enough saliva, thereby reducing the amount of feed and dried forage foods consumed. Thus, it is very important for horse owners to encourage their horses to drink when there is a risk of dehydration; when horses lose a lot of water in hot weather because of heavy work, or in cold weather because of the natural tendency of horses to drink less when in cold environments. To encourage drinking, the owner can add electrolytes to the feed, additives to make water especially tasty (like apple juice), or, when it's cold, to warm the water so it's not at nearly freezing temperatures.
Special feeding issues for horses
Bangs and miniature horses are usually easy to maintain and require less bait than larger horses. This is not only because they are smaller, but also, because they are evolving under harsher living conditions than horses, they use more efficient feed. Bangs are easy to be fat due to overeating and high risk for colic and, especially, laminitis. Fresh grass is a special hazard for ponies; they can develop laminitis in just one hour grazing in a lush pasture.
Incorrect feeding is equally alarming as feeding is simple. Bangs and miniatures require a relatively low diet in sugar, starch, and calories, but higher in fiber. Miniature horses in particular require less calories pounds for pounds than regular horses, and are more susceptible to hyperlipemia than regular horses, and are also at higher risk of developing horse metabolic syndrome.
It is important to track the weight of the horse carefully, using heavy tape. HMT is fed by weight, at a rate of about 1 Â £ (0.45 kg) of forage for every 100 pounds (45 kg). Food, along with water and salt and minerals, is the most needed. If a hard workhorse requires concentrate, a concentration ratio of no more than 30% to 70% forage is recommended. Concentrates designed for horses, with supplements of vitamins and minerals, will often provide insufficient nutrients at the small portion sizes needed for a pony. Therefore, if horses require concentrates, feed and supplements specially designed for horses should be used. In the UK, extrusion pellets designed for horses are sometimes called "horse beans".
Special feeding problems for mules and donkeys
Like ponies, donkeys and donkeys are also very strong and generally require less concentrated feed than horses. Mules require less protein than horses and do their best on straw grass with vitamin and mineral supplements. If donkeys are fed concentrates, they only need about half of what the horse needs. Like horses, donkeys need fresh water, clean, but tend not to drink too much when it's hot.
Donses, like donkeys, require less protein and more fiber than horses. Although the donkey digestive tract does not have a striking difference in the structure with the horse, the ass is more efficient at digesting the food and developing less than the same-sized horse. They only need to eat 1.5% of their body weight per day in dry ingredients. It is not fully understood why donkeys are efficient digesters, but it is estimated that they may have different microbial populations in the colon rather than horses, or perhaps an increased intestinal retention time.
Donkeys are best left to eat small amounts of food for a long time, as they are in a dry climate. They can meet their nutritional needs at 6 to 7 hours of grazing per day in average dry grasslands that are not pressured by drought. If they work long hours or do not have access to pasture, they need the same straw or dried food, with nothing more than a grass and grass ratio of 1: 4. They also need salt and mineral supplements, and access to clean and fresh water. Like ponies and donkeys, in a fertile climate, donkeys are prone to obesity and are at risk of laminitis.
Many people like to feed special horses such as carrots, rock sugar, peppermint candy, or specially produced horse cakes. Horses do not need treatment, and because of the risk of colic or choking, many horse owners do not allow their horses to be given a snack. There are also behavioral problems that may occur in horses if given too many snacks, especially the tendency to bite when hand-fed, and for this reason many horse trainers and horseback instructors do not like this exercise.
However, if snacks are allowed, carrots and compressed grass pellets are common, nutritious, and generally harmless. Apples are also acceptable, although it is best if they are first cut into wedges. Horse "cakes" are often made specifically from ordinary grains and some extra molasses. They generally will not cause nutritional problems when fed in small amounts. However, many types of human food are potentially harmful to a horse and should not be fed. These include bakery products, meat products, candies, and carbonated or alcoholic beverages.
It used to be a common practice to give horses bran weekly bran bran from wheat bran mixed with warm water and other ingredients. It's still done regularly in some places. While a warm and gentle meal is a treat for many horses, and once thought to be helpful for laxative effects, it is not needed nutritionally. An old horse with bad teeth can benefit from softened foods in water, mash can help provide extra hydration, and warm food may be calming in cold weather, but horses have more fiber in their regular diet than humans, and so help of bran is not needed. There is also the risk that too much wheat bran can provide excessive phosphorus, unbalanced diets, and unusual foods that are fed only once a week can trigger colic attacks.
Storing your feed
All hay and concentrated feed should be kept dry and free of fungus, rodent droppings, and other types of contamination that can cause disease in horses. Feed kept outside or if not exposed to moisture can develop the moss quickly enough. Due to the fire hazard, straw is often kept under an open warehouse or under a tarpaulin, rather than inside the stall itself, but should be kept under some sort of cover. Concentrates take up less storage space, less fire hazard, and are usually stored in closed warehouses or warehouses. Safe doors or locked gates between animals and feed storage areas are essential. Horses accidentally get into the stored feed and eat too much at one time is a common but preventable way that horses develop colic or laminitis. ( see Diseases associated with improper feeding below )
It is also important to never feed the horses contaminated by dead animals. This is a potential source of botulism. This is not an unusual situation. For example, rats and birds can get into badly stored and stored items; hay bales sometimes accidentally contain snakes, rats, or other small animals caught in the propeller machine during the harvesting process.
Feeding Behavior
Horses can become anxious or stressed if there is a long period of time between meals. They also do their best when they are given a regular schedule; they are creatures of habit and irritable by routine changes. When horses are in a herd, their behavior is hierarchical; animals with higher rankings in the feeding and drinking group first. Low-status animals, who last ate, may not get enough food, and if there is only a small amount of food available, higher-level horses can keep a lower rating from eating altogether. Therefore, unless a group of livestock is in a meadow that meets the nutritional needs of all individuals, it is important to feed the horse separately, or to spread the feed in separate places to ensure all animals get the same amount of food. In some situations where horses are kept together, they may still be placed in separate flocks, depending on nutritional needs; the overweight horses are kept apart from the thin horses so the rations can be adjusted. Horses can also eat in unwanted ways, such as curling their feed, or eating too fast. This can cause chokes or colic in some circumstances.
Dental issues
Horse teeth are constantly erupting throughout their lives, becoming worn down as they feed, and can develop an uneven pattern of wear that can interfere with chewing. For this reason, horses require dental examination at least once a year, and special care should be given to older dental horse needs. The process of grinding uneven wear patterns on horse teeth is called floating and can be done by a vet or specialist in horse dentistry.
Colic, choke, and laminitis can be life-threatening when a horse is severely affected, and animal care is needed to treat this condition properly. Other conditions, though not life-threatening, may have serious implications for the health and health of a horse in the long term.
Colic horse itself is not a disease, but rather a description of symptoms associated with abdominal pain. This can occur because of a number of indigestion, from mild bloating due to excessive intestinal gas to life-threatening impaction. Colic is most often caused by changes in the diet, either a rapidly planned change, or unintentional change, such as a horse out of a barn or paddock and ingesting an unknown plant. But colic has many other triggers including insufficient water, irregular eating schedules, stress, and illness. Since horses can not vomit and have a limited capacity to detoxify harmful substances, anything that interferes with horses must travel all the way through the digestive system to be excreted.
Chokes are not unusual like colic, but are still considered veterinary emergencies. The most common cause of choking is that horses do not chew their food thoroughly, usually because they eat their food too quickly, especially if they do not have enough access to water, but also sometimes because of teething problems that make chewing painful. It is very difficult for a horse to expel anything from the esophagus, and immediate care is often necessary. Unlike choking on humans, choking horses does not cut respiration.
Horses are also susceptible to laminitis, nail lamina disease. Laminitis has many causes, but the most common is related to excess sugar and starch from horses that eat too many specific foods, especially too much high grass prairie in the fructan in early spring and late autumn, or by consuming the amount excessive grains.
Growth disorder
Young horses who overeat or are fed with improper calcium: phosphorus ratios over time can develop a number of orthopedic growths and disorders, including osteochondrosis (OCD), angular limb deformity (ALD), and some conditions are grouped by term popular "contracted tendons." If not handled properly, the damage can be permanent. However, they can be treated if caught in time, given appropriate veterinary care, and incorrect eating practices corrected. Young horses are fed for rapid growth to be shown or sold as highly risky annual children. Adult horses with improper diets can also develop a variety of metabolic problems.
The moldy or dusty straw fed to the horse is the most common cause of recurrent airway obstruction, also known as COPD or "heaves." It is a chronic horse condition involving allergic bronchitis characterized by breath sounds, coughing, and shortness of breath.
"Tying up"
Rhabdomyolysis while moderate activity, also known as "tying up" or azoturia, is a condition in which only a few horses are susceptible and most cases are related to genetic mutations. In horses susceptible to the condition, it usually occurs when rest day with full ration followed by work the next day. This pattern of clinical signs causes the ancient nickname "Monday morning sickness". This condition may also be related to electrolyte imbalances. Proper diet management can help minimize the risk of attack.
See also
- Easy keeper (US) Good doer (English)
- Fodder
- Food
- Item
- Hard keeper (US) Poor doer
- Hay
- Henneke's horse body rating system
- Horse care
- List of toxic plants for horses
Footnotes and other references
- "Horse Nutrition - Table of Contents." Bulletin 762-00, Ohio State University. Website accessed February 9, 2007.
- Mowrey, Robert A. "Horse Eating Management - Requirements for Nutrition for Horses." from The North Carolina Cooperative Center Update Center (PDF) accessed July 4, 2009.
Source of the article : Wikipedia